Humans live longer now than any time in known history. Is this commonly recited statement true? From a purely statistical standpoint, the answer is simple – yes. So why do I have so many paragraphs left in this article? Because statistics can be deceiving and without further investigation we can be led to some pretty…
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Harvey Diamond once said, “You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I’ll buy you a new car.” I will never understand why this slice of buffoonery gets repeated so often and it actually frightens me to know there…
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Here is another retarded soundbite recital I hear repeated all too often. The basic theory is that cattle emit methane gas as a result of digestion and those clouds of hydrocarbons rise up to the stratosphere and trap in heat. They claim that this is one of the major contributors to the recent warming. Of…
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Mehmet Oz once said that butter is solid at room temperature, so it solidifies in your arteries. That’s funny, because butter melts to liquid in my hands. He is also the genius doctor who wrote in Time magazine that a low carb diet causes ketoacidosis. There is a big difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis, maybe…
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