In a world full of animals that bite, claw, sting, envenomate and gore, it’s nice to know that there are perfectly defenseless plants for the weak at heart to hunt. But are plants really as defenseless as they appear? We all know that there are plenty of highly toxic plants in the world, but certainly…
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The meat most often associated with baseball is that highly processed tube filled with meat by-products and cereal, better known as hotdogs. But, there may be a greater connection between sports and fresh meat not so often correlated. I am speaking of the ability to project missile weapons, in an overhand motion, with deadly…
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“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” – Romans 1:22 When hyper-education overrides instinctual drives and common sense, I can’t help but think of this passage. Humans have wasted the last fifty years attempting to make a science of the benefits of a low-fat diet. Though it is counterintuitive to all dietary traditions, by…
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At the turn of the last century (1900), the average american consumed around 20 to 30 pounds of sugar per year. By the year 2008, the average american would be consuming 150 to 250 pounds of sugar annually. Is it safe to assume that 108 years is sufficient time for the human anatomy to evolve to…
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A common myth told by PETA and is ignorantly repeated today is the claim that humans are unable to digest meat and it therefore putrefies in the colon, causing disease. I believe I may have a special insight on this one based on my unique experiences. We have probably all read the science of human…
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This is really not a movie review. I just wanted to use the idea in this film as a springboard to discuss why the vegetarian ape cannot support a human sized brain, as this ill-conceived movie suggests, and why humans evolved to eat meat. Unfortunately, this newest fiasco in the science fiction film series, “The…
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