At the turn of the last century (1900), the average american consumed around 20 to 30 pounds of sugar per year. By the year 2008, the average american would be consuming 150 to 250 pounds of sugar annually. Is it safe to assume that 108 years is sufficient time for the human anatomy to evolve to this adaptation? With the advent of fat phobia, which began in the 1970s and reached a peak around 1990, fat consumption decreased in the U.S., while sugar consumption skyrocketed; and so too did diabetes and heart disease. Yet, somehow we are still blaming those diseases on fat.
Heart disease is not a disease of the heart, as the name would imply, but an affliction on the arteries which eventually affect the heart. Without arterial wall damage, cholesterol cannot begin to form a “plaque”, no matter how high your blood lipids may be. There are many toxins that we ingest that can be problematic and inflammatory. I would like to take a look at just one, but it’s the one that americans consume in the largest quantity.
During the six months I lived without intestines, I was fed by intravenous infusions of TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition). TPN consists of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, but mostly dextrose (sugar) and water. Because I had virtually no intestines, my requirement for parental nutrition was very high. I needed a 15 hour per day infusion, by a pump, delivering 225 ml per hour. The sheer volume of fluids was too large for infusion via a peripheral artery in the arm, so a port catheter was surgically implanted in my chest. The catheter entered my skin just below the collar-bone, where it was inserted in the superior vena cava and tunneled to within an inch of my heart.
There are only six branch arteries available for access to the vena cava and I was told by doctors that the high sugar content of the TPN would eventually cause the arteries to fail. Sugar is quite caustic to the cells lining the arterial walls, causing inflammation and ultimately failure. I was warned that at some point, all six access arteries would no longer be viable and I would die of starvation. They said that it would take 3 to 4 years for all of the access arteries to fail and that was my fate. The doctors at that hospital did not believe that intestinal transplants had been successfully achieved yet, so I was only given a couple of years left to live.
So, we can see that many doctors know the destructive effects of high blood sugar on the arteries, yet continue to recommend a low-fat/high-carbohydrate diet to avoid atherosclerosis. There is a common myth today that high levels of fat in the blood causes cholesterol to begin to “stick” to the walls of the arteries. This is not the mechanism of atherosclerosis at all and is complete bullshit advertising created by the makers of cholesterol lowering drugs.
As this image accurately illustrates, it is when very small low density lipoproteins (LDLs) find their way behind the arterial wall, and become oxidized, is when plaque begins to form. As we learned with the TPN, sugar is notorious for causing the endothelium layer to become ulcerated and breached.
Once LDL particles get trapped behind the endothelium, they oxidize, becoming a free radical. White blood cells soon show up to “clean up” the damage and they too become trapped and oxidized. This process causes more inflammation and damage to the endothelium, attracting more LDL and WBCs (White Blood Cells). This is the beginning of atherosclerosis. The plaque will continue to build until it ultimately ruptures through the endothelium, forming a clot which blocks the circulation.
If the erroneous myth of “sticky” cholesterol were true, we would expect to find plaque evenly distributed throughout the circulatory system, similar to the way minerals build in ALL of the pipes of a plumbing system. We never find this to be the case or bypass surgery would not be possible. Therefore, grafts from the leg arteries can be used to bypass the clots in the arteries of the neck and chest. So cholesterol does not haphazardly cling to arterial walls willy-nilly. Lipoproteins arrive at the site of broken walls in an attempt to patch the damage until they can heal and inadvertently get caught inside. If there were never inflammation and damage to the endothelium, plaque could not form, no matter how much fat was circulating in the bloodstream.
The high sugar content of the TPN also has a bad tendency to feed fungus and bacteria, so systemic infections are quite common in TPN recipients. I personally had two bouts of sepsis during the months I was on TPN. The first one was bacteremia caused by enterobacter cloacae growing in the medi-port. The bacteria were being flushed throughout my system with the TPN and sent me into septic shock (a life-threatening condition). The second time it was a systemic fungal infection caused by candida, which really thrives on sugar.
During the time I was in the hospital with sepsis, the infusion ports had to be surgically removed because they housed the infections. A new catheter couldn’t be implanted until the infection was cleared up or it would just get colonized by the pathogens in my bloodstream. They placed peripheral lines in my arms for infusion of the antibiotic medications. But, there was still the problem of how to feed me. To solve this, multiple peripheral lines were used in my arms and hands and PPN (Partial Parental Nutrition) was infused instead. This contained less sugar and was not really enough nutrition to sustain me, but was better than total starvation. These peripherals would only last a day or two before the veins would fail. As time went on, it got much worse. The damage to the veins was compounding and often times, the veins would infiltrate within two or three minutes of starting the PPN infusion. It was very painful.
Once, a nurse made the mistake of hooking the TPN to a peripheral, rather than the port catheter. When she started the pump, it immediately felt as though acid was pumped into the vein in my arm and then it failed and infiltrated within seconds. So when I see some stooge chowing down on piles of rice and bread, followed by dessert and maybe a Snickers bar on top, I know they have no idea what that elevated blood sugar is doing to their arteries. Even if their pancreas is fully healthy and able to eventually stabilize the sugar load, there is massive damage being perpetrated on their arteries by the elevated sugar levels, even within seconds. This is damage that the body now must repair. If small dense LDL particles (caused from high carbohydrate consumption) happen to find their way into that damaged area, you could possibly have the start of atherosclerosis.
I did gain some weight while on the TPN, which the doctors thought was a good sign. I wasn’t so sure. It was mostly visceral fat around my waist, but my arms, legs, shoulders and neck were still extremely thin, so the fat distribution was not a healthy one. Doctors seem to only look at weight as a number and never how it’s distributed or whether it’s muscle or fat. My muscles were withering away while my gut grew larger and they were happy with that. It wasn’t until after I again had intestines and returned to eating real food, with plenty of fat and protein, that I was able to gain weight in my arms, legs, shoulders and flatten my stomach. I actually weigh less now (less than the doctors want me to weigh), but I am much stronger.
Intestinal transplants are not available to everyone who loses their intestines. There are only three criteria that qualify someone to undertake a transplant. The first one is loss of access due to the dextrose (sugar) destroying the only six arteries available for infusion. At this point, you have new intestines, but don’t have any arteries worth a shit going to or coming from your heart. Great deal!
The second condition is liver failure due to the infused soy derived lipids. I will not go into further detail, because I cover that in my post “The Truth About Soy”. Find out the mythical health benefit of soy there.
The third condition is the one that made me eligible for a transplant. This is due to multiple life-threatening infections via the infusion ports. I suffered back-to-back systemic infections which nearly killed me. Only about 45% of those who contract a systemic candida infection survive, so I consider myself lucky. After my transplant, I suffered one really bad sepsis from pseudomonas (a gram negative rod), which has over a 90% mortality rate and put me into a coma. I have had no infections since being on a low carbohydrate diet.
The one thing I did learn from all this is how caustic and toxic sugar is to the arteries and how sugar promotes and feeds infection. Unless you plan to start running and exercising like a humming-bird on crack immediately after eating that cake or cookies, a lot of damage will be sustained by your arteries while you lounge and sleep — even though you have full intentions of working it off in the gym tomorrow. The damage and infiltration in my arm didn’t wait until tomorrow, it happened right away. You may burn off the fat later, but the sugar damage was already done.
The saddest part of all, was the fact that the doctors knew how much damage the sugar would cause to the arteries of TPN recipients, yet still continue to recommend a low-fat/ high-carbohydrate diet as a “Heart Healthy” one. The doctors are either fucking morons or they want us to become sick. I’m not sure which. You take your pick.
I recently heard a radio interview featuring one of my favorite kettlebell trainers (who shall remain nameless) who has recently turned vegan/raw vegan. And when the host asked her about her diet and animal products, she replied, “Well, the truth is that saturated fat IS linked to heart disease.” And I just thought to myself, you have got to be kidding. I really believed that she was more informed than that.
Like you said, fat consumption has gone down while heart disease and sugar consumption has gone up. So how do you explain that glaring inverse correlation between fat consumption and heart disease???
I also liked your point about how the doctors know that sugar is caustic to the blood vessels, yet they still recommend a high-carb, low-fat diet. I often wonder if they really think about the advice they’re giving, or if they’re just blindly regurgitating what they’ve been fed by the government and relying on popular nutritional dogma to back them up.
Oh, well…. =)
Thank you Krystal. I wish that everyone could feel the burn of that infused sugar going through their blood vessels, just once. They would think twice before shoving that Twinkie in their pie hole.
Doctors suffer from cognitive dissonance, the inability to hold two conflicting ideas in their mind at one time. Cognitive dissonance is so uncomfortable that it causes them to create ad hoc explanations to sooth the conflict. They do this a lot. If someone is constipated, they will tell them that high fiber is the answer. If they have diarrhea, they will still claim fiber is the answer. Is fiber a nanotechnology or what? It’s like they have attributed some sort of magical property to a carbohydrate. Are these people really scientists? no, they’re practitioners.
BTW, I’ve been to your blog and was floored by your transformation. I love to see when someone takes their health into their own hands and succeed! You will be a real inspiration to so many people.
Thanks for the comment. Wow! Doctors over here certainly can’t yell at a patient, though they do their best to belittle us. There is definitely a cynical attitude towards patients that we don’t know what’s best for us and only they have all the answers (even though they can’t cure anything).
Once our new Obamacare kicks into full swing and people will have no choice of doctors anymore, we may start to see doctors yell at patients. Right now, patients are free to choose another doctor, so they have to sort of compete for our business, but once the federal government fully takes over our health care, it should start to suck, like everything else our government runs.
Early signs are that we will not even be able to first see a doctor, but have to go through a nurse practitioner first, who will then decide if we can see a doctor or not – I’m sure that’s going to result in great care.
This is a response to an very old post, but… I have no doubt that sugar is bad for you, but using that often used comparison of CVD increases since low-fat/low-cholesterol diets began to be recommended is a flawed argument. Since that time there have been lots of other big changes in the standard american diet (SAD). Nearly 1000 calories per day increase, LOTS of seed/grain (PUFA) oils, much less physical activity due to less manual labor jobs… and the list goes on. I think sugar has played a *huge* part, but is not solely responsible.
“I think sugar has played a *huge* part, but is not solely responsible.”
Yes this IMO is true.
Good Health can be looked at as a sound tire with some holes in it. We plug the biggest holes first and KEEP plugging until the tire holds air as close to 100% as is possible.
Sugar as a component that constitutes 25% of the average person’s diet is certainly a HOLE that any rational person MUST plug.
So true. Sugar, like any other nutrient, can be detrimental if consumed in mass quantities. We need vitamin A to be well, but too much vitamin A is toxic to the liver. In the same way, we need sodium, but too much salt can kill quickly (think of those who have drank sea water). It leads to renal failure and a quick death.
In 1900, the average American intake of sugar was 20-30 pounds per year. Today, the average American consumes 150-200 pounds of sugar annually. This is certainly a good place to begin to patch a major whole. Just because sugar alone is not the center of al our health problems, sugar alone can still lead to a premature death, even if everything else in a persons diet is perfect. High blood sugar is toxic to the human body and permanent nerve damage begins when the blood glucose exceeds 140 mg/dl
In this article I simply addressed the damages of sugar, because it was relevant to the situation created by the infusion of TPN. It sort of irked me that the doctors knew that the sugar from the TPN would destroy arteries, yet they continue to recommend high carbohydrate diets, loaded with starchy grains, to their patients, even diabetic patients. It leads people to believe that only those things that are sweet are harmful (fructose), but glucose is not very sweet and is the preferred sugar for blood. Starches are taken directly up into the blood stream, which is why grains and cereals can cause a greater glycemic load than many candy bars. But this is not how people are taught it think. In reality, Cheerios are not part of a heart healthy diet as advertised, but quite detrimental.
Thank you for your participation. Your point is well stated and there is little doubt that many factors contribute to our modern diseases, which is why I have written posts covering all of the ones you’ve mentioned (grains, processed seed oils, soy, etc.). It is not so much that sugar is bad for us (a certain level of blood glucose is need to stay alive), it is the excessive amount consumed daily which leads to many modern illnesses.
This article was not written to blame sugar for all the worlds problems, but to show exactly how sugar damages arterial walls. The proof centered around a unique experience that I underwent, where pure dextrose was infused directly into the vena cava. I was told by the doctors that this amount of dextrose would cause the artery to fail within a couple of years. So, we can see that high levels of sugar alone are capable of damaging the arterial walls, leading to plaque formation and premature death.
I was given similar bad news concerning the infused soy lipids, which I was told would destroy my liver within a few years. I wrote about that here. These modern oils (which are high in linoleic acid) are probably the largest contributor to cancers, because they lower the immune system and cause a lot of inflammation. There are many things that I learned having to undergo an organ transplant.
Prior to the advent of anti-rejection medications, such as Prograf, linoleic acid (found in vegetable oils) was used to cripple the immune system and prevent organ rejection. It worked well and lowered the immune system enough to prevent organ rejection, but they found that there was a 48% increase in cancer in transplant patients. It’s sad that we are now told to replace all of the healthy animal fats with these. The standard America diet is simply loaded with these industrial processed seed oils.
Though grains present several problems, one of the leading issues is the high level of starch (sugar), which leads to obesity and ultimately diabetes. Few foods elevate blood sugar as quickly as grain flours. They all have a very high glycemic load.
Any one of these would probably do little to no damage if consumed in small amounts. But, just like with sugar, Americans are eating these concoctions in massive quantities, leading to excessive inflammation and other troubles. These foods are eaten in large quantities because factory processing has made them inexpensive, whereas most of them were very costly in the past, so people ate little of them. Sugar was an expensive treat until the advent of high fructose corn syrup. Now it’s in everything.
Thanks again for your input and I hope you will read some of these other articles.
Great freaking site. Just spent the last 20 minutes cruising around. Saw you were featured in Jimmy Moore today too so wanted to check it out. Have added it to my RSS readers. Thanks for sharing your story. Unlike any i have heard before.
Thanks Dean. Been through a lot. Not sure why I survived it, but figured I could at least tell my story and see if anyone listened. I appreciate your support.
Hey Wolverine,
Great site. Found the link through Jimmy Moore’s site.
I have a question…I always hear from the all-carbs crowd to simply look at Asian populations and you see high-carb consumption (rice) and low incidence of overweight and heart attack. This seems logical to me, but then again so does your point of view. Can you shed any light?
Thanks again for an awesome, informative site. I’m also glad that you survived such a harrowing experience. Your story is an inspiration.
Thanks for the comment Carlton. This is a great question that I have heard many people propose.
Compared to modern Americans, the Asian people didn’t consume a “high carb” diet. Yes, they ate rice and starchy foods, but portion sizes were nowhere near 150 to 250 lbs of sugar annually, per person, that americans eat today. An asian might eat a half cup of rice with a meal, whereas most americans will consume over two cups of rice, beans, bread and corn, then top it off with a sugary dessert of cake, ice cream or pie (or a combination of the three). Then we have all the snackcakes, donuts, bagels, candy and chips washed down with soda or beer in between meals. Hardly a comparison to traditional asian carbohydrate consumption.
Americans eat much larger portions than asian historically, but that’s changing. Since the Japanese have begun to eat more and more western snacks and processed food, they are now beginning to see obesity rise. Carbohydrates themselves are not evil, only when they’re consumed in massive quantities. The same could be said about any nutrient. What if everyone began eating 150 lbs of potassium per year. We’d have serious health problems.
Do you believe that asians ever consumed 150-200 pounds of sugar a year per person? That would be a lot of rice. If someone can show me an asian culture that consume as much sugar annually as americans and remain healthy and thin, I’ll change my opinion. Using the asian and kitavan diet as an excuse to consumed mass quantities of sugary snacks and drinks is quite misguided.
BTW, few asian cultures ate an all-carb diet. They typically supplemented with fish, pork or fowl, giving them the necessary B 12, fat soluble vitamins and fatty acids needed to remain healthy. Few asians were vegan
Well pointed out; I researched the same question myself and the basic conclusion is even though they eat rice at every meal, their total carb load is way less then Americans.
Which begs the question should Asians ever go low carb since so many recommend it for better health? I would say no because they are not subject to diabeties & weight gain the way we are.
I would think that eating like the Asians and using the French method of portion control would turn the trick.
Yes, the Asian argument is the favorite one for those who want to protect their high carb diet. So lets look at the Asian intake. maybe one bowl of rice per meal. The typical american eats a cereal sized bowl of rice with their meal (probably three times the size of an asian bowl), but they don’t stop there.
Then there’s the Krispy kream donut in the morning or bagel (one of the highest glycemic loads), a little latter a bag of chips from the vending machine, washed down with a sugary soda. Maybe a Little Debbie Snack cake later one, then a slice of chocolate cake for desert after dinner. Maybe even a snack or bowl of cereal before turning in.
The traditional Asian does not eat all those other high carb, highly processed snacks, so it becomes ridiculous for anyone to use them as an excuse to eat high carb meal – their carbs area still way lower. With their rice, they eat a lot of fish and/or pork.
More recently. American culture has been creeping into Japan and we are seeing them eat more junk food snacks, especially among the youth – we are also starting to see a rise in obesity in Japan and China. (curiously, a very high rate of smoking among the youth also) Thanks to American Corporation spreading into more and more countries around the world.
So the Asians will soon not be an example of great heath through rice as they also begin to cram down cup cakes, bagels, snack cakes, donuts and all the other crap that americans huff down daily.
I did a search for “sugar arterial damage” and found your site. Well done. A friend told me yesterday about a cardiologist he knew who had done thousands of surgeries. The cardiologist explained that sugar and another type of molecule found in processed food were caustic to the smooth lining of the arterial walls. If I understood correctly, he said these small tears are what begin the process of plaque formation. I’m trying to teach my 14-year-old son to stop eating sugar. He listened to me reading your post aloud until the phone rang, but I think he got the message. Thanks.
Though young people are a bit more resistant to the damaging effects os sugar, mostly because their bodies can regenerate tissue faster – there is 2 problems with his theory. First, good and bad eating habits are established at a young age. By the time he reaches middle age, it will be a lot harder for him to loose the sweet-tooth and change his habits – by then the damage will begin to compound and he will not regenerate as quickly. If he watches sports, he can certainly see that older athletes cannot come back from injuries the way the younger ones do. You can also have him take a look at the rising numbers of diabetes in young people – so they do not have impunity. We are seeing record numbers of obesity and even cancer in young people everyday. It’s quite scary actually.
At the transplant center in Jackson Memorial in Miami, it seemed that the younger patients acquired liver damage much faster that the adults did from the Intralipids (soy based infusions). So in some places, the younger people are less protected. Since I have been eating low carb, I have had no infections – all the other patients on high carbs diet have been back in the hospital with severe infections. Sugar promotes, feeds bacteria and also lowers the immune system, so he will have less illnesses and flu bugs the less sugar he consumes. Everyone I know that is on a low carb diet, gets sick less often that those that eat a lot of sugar. My parents and all my siblings love lots of sugar, but they are always sick and sniffling when they come to family get togethers. I am on immunosuppressant medication (which lower the immune system) and I get sick less often than they do and take less medications – that’s the power of a low carb diet.
Thanks for your comments. Good luck with your son.
Those are all great points. I mentioned the Candida cleanse we did with my son in the comment I made under your soy article. It’s funny, he knows sugar is bad from the standpoint of Candida, but he is still craving it. I guess his diet has been slipping now that he’s older and I have less control over what he eats.
I’m definitely going to read him your replies so he can “hear it from someone else.” I hadn’t known about sugar being caustic, so that’s great new info. I’ll show him the statistics about children you mention. That should wake him up a little, I hope.
Thanks again for having this blog. There really isn’t much out there (that I’ve found) that is both informative and comes from the heart of someone who has had to suffer. Your words are so “real.” They actually hold my son’s attention, which is the biggest challenge I have when talking with him about nutrition.
Take care, and best wishes for your health and happiness.
I have heard that when the candida is dying off, it can make you crave sugar. I guess because it makes you feel pretty sick when there is a die off, otherwise known as the Herxhimer Reaction, that you only feel better when you eat sugar and the candida stops dying. The Herxhimer Reaction is a pretty miserable thing to go through.
When sugar is infused right into your arteries, like with TPN, you can sure feel how badly it burns the artery. Many people don’t realize that besides feeding bacteria and fungus, high blood sugar also lowers the immune system for about four hours. People on low carbohydrate diets tend to get less flus, colds and other common sicknesses. I’ve been amazed that I have not been sick since I was released from the hospital nearly 2 years ago. I have to be kept on drugs that lower certain parts of my immune system, or my antibodies would attack my grafted organs. I have to credit that to the small amount of carbs that I eat. All the transplant patients I know that still consume a lot of sugar have also been hospitalized for major infections and seem to be sick all the time.
If I can avoid illness, being immunosuppressed, image how much better someone with a healthy immune system would do on a low carb diet?
Hey Wolverine, how’s it going? Your articles are pretty interesting(only read 2). I found your site today as I was searching for some info on “humans digesting meat”. I keep being told by people who are vegetarians that we can’t eat meat. Honestly, I don’t feed into the whole “all veg” hype, but still want to gather information. Aside from that, I had 2 questions…
1. how does water intake affect blood sugar?
2. What is a typical day as far as meals are concerned for you? I am also reading a book called “Body confidence” which deals with balancing blood sugar thru balanced eating.
Hi Sharif. I too had heard that piece of vegan pseudoscience repeated many times. When I noticed that there were no signs of meat in the ostomy bag, I decided to write an article finally putting that myth to rest in my post “Can Humans Digest Meat”. I’m not sure what makes someone use an argument that is so absurdly wrong (scientifically), that it only serves to take all credibility away from everything that they say – even when they may be making some valid points.
Water intake does not affect blood sugar levels at all. Interestingly, after losing all of my intestines, I did not have enough small bowel to absorb water and needed to be hydrated via infusions of lactated ringers, but I was still able to absorb sugar. Carbohydrates are absorbed quickly, even within the duodenum, but water is not finally absorbed until reaching the ileum and ultimately, the colon. I only had less than 10 inches of small intestines and could shift my blood sugar by consuming anything sweet. I guess that sugar is so important to fuel the brain, that we developed a very fast delivery system – and although water is equally as important, it is also necessary in order to move material through the intestines, so it is only recaptured at the very end of the digestive tract. Government recommendations for water intake are probably too high for most people. Over-hydration can lead to a pulmonary edema and also congestive heart failure. I suffered a pulmonary edema once in the hospital after they had given me a bolus infusion of fluids, and it was very frightening. I can’t imagine having one of those and not be in a hospital. My lungs filled with water and had there not been oxygen nearby and the quick availability of lasix, I would have certainly died. There is no sense in drowning your tissues – the human thirst mechanism is good enough. When you’re thirsty, drink – otherwise don’t force water down when you’re not thirsty, just because some stupid chart says to.
My diet has been a work in progress since the transplant. The doctors placed no restrictions, other than grapefruit or grapefruit juice and raw shellfish – grapefruit can have an adverse reaction with the prograf (tacrolimus) medication I have to take in order to not reject the organ. But, the transplanted bowels are not as efficient as native bowels and seem extremely sensitive to certain foods. I personally believe that the foods that don’t agree with my digestion are the same as everyone else, it’s just that the transplanted bowels are more sensitive. So foods that are difficult to digest are more problematic to me.
I typically eat eggs (from pastured chickens from my own farm) for breakfast, with sausage or fried steak strips for breakfast (all of the beef comes from grass-fed cattle that we raise on our farm), cheese and fruit. I was not able to handle processed dairy since the transplant, but I can digest raw dairy just fine. So it certainly is not intolerance to lactose. I believe it is the indigestibility of the denatured proteins (especially casein) as a result of the high heat of pasteurization. I do not raise dairy cattle, so I purchase the dairy from a very reliable Amish farm. Even the raw dairy can bother me if I heat it beyond 160ºF.
Other meals usually contain meat (beef, pork, chicken) and cooked vegetables – since the transplant, I cannot digest raw vegetables well, not to mention the risk associated with raw vegetables (because I take immunosuppressant medications which lower my immune system). Even a small ingestion of e coli or salmonella could be life-threatening to me. I don’t consume many grains and avoid wheat completely. I avoid grains because I have seen how quickly they spike blood sugar. Even pure table sugar elevates blood sugar less than the starches from grains – especially wheat, which contains amylopectin a and packs quite a glycemic load. I also abstain from wheat – especially whole grain, because of the destructive nature of the bran fiber to the intestinal mucosa.
I personally don’t believe that humans should be consuming psyllium husks – we are only told it’s healthy so the processed food manufacturers could find a use for a by-product of the wheat industry historically separated and tossed away. It’s completely indigestible and has little to no nutritional value – it only serves to create gas, bloating and abrasions to the villi. Livestock animals refuse to eat it – so they marketed it to humans with false claims of cholesterol lowering properties and improved motility. If anything, bran fiber causes constipation and Diverticulitis.
Of all the other transplant patients that I met in the hospital and keep in touch with, I am the only one that stays away from whole grain wheat – of course the doctors push it as healthy. But, I am also the only intestinal transplant patient I know (out of about 9) that has not had a bowel obstruction since the transplant. All of the others have had at least one and some have been hospitalized a couple of times each year to remove bowel obstructions (which can be life-threatening and are certainly painful). I credit my lack of obstructions to the abstinence of wheat fiber. I also avoid beans and legumes. The high indigestibility of the fiber cause bloating and possible Diverticulitis. I completely abstain from soybean in particular – for more information on why, read my post “The Truth About Soy”. I personally saw the destruction caused by soy lipids – and the doctors were well aware of them.
I hope this answers some of your questions. Feel free to inquire for any other questions you may have or let me know if I didn’t answer your queries sufficiently and I’ll try again. Most people will never meet an intestinal transplant recipient in their life, because they are so rare (less than 3,000 have ever been performed and less than half of those survived them), so I’m here to answer any questions anyone may have concerning the procedure, my diet or any other question regarding the digestive tract – and also the dangers affiliated with colonoscopies. I learned a lot about the human digestive system the hard way. Thanks.
Your comment sounds like psyllium husk is made from wheat, it isn’t. Psyllium is a completely different plant. I researched it recenently because it goes into a low carb bread.
I believe those fibers get digested by bacteria which then procuce MCF (medium chain fatty acids). So if you can stand the bloating and are not a transplant patient, they might actually be nutritionally beneficial.
The only problem with your theory is that the bacteria to ferment indigestible fibers are only housed in the human colon (hind gut) and humans eventually evolved to have a very short hind gut and absorb very little, as low as 8 to 10% from the colon into the blood stream. Unlike our ape cousins who have the exact opposite gut distribution. All of the other great apes have very short small intestines for absorption and a gigantic cecum, colon and especially the appendix.
I cover this difference extensively in my article “The Plant That Went Ape”. Human can live fine without a colon, but a chimpanzee will die if their colon is removed. They receive about 74% of their absorption of nutrition from their hind gut, we receive about 80% of ours from our much longer small intestine. That’s basically because our food is predigested for us (cooking, fermenting, etc.) and have been doing it of so long, our body prioritized absorption over fermentation and digestion. We only evolved a higher acidic stomach for breaking down meat proteins.
I discovered the hardest way possible how the human colon has been separated from the blood stream. Since our ancestor began eating meat and cooking vegetables, the need for massive fermentation was no longer an issue, so our small bowels increased in length and our hind gut (colon, cecum and appendix) shrunk considerably. More than simply shrinking, a barrier was placed between the blood stream and the colonic lining, most probably to lessen the danger of infection from the deadly bacteria which reside there.
How I found out the hard way was when the doctors left my colon disconnected. Everything I ate came directly out of a stoma which was only about 8 inches off of the stomach. Eating was not necessary, because I couldn’t absorb anything I consumed, not even water. Though I was not supposed to have bowel movements, I began having them anyway, but only passed blood and the mucosa lining. The doctors were baffled until they finally called in a GI doctor who knew the answer.
He said that the colon cannot be left with nothing passing through it. The cells which line the colon are unlike any other in the body since they do not received oxygen or nutrient from the bloodstream, but rather feed on the short chain triglycerides created by the bacteria fermenting the indigestible fiber moving through the colon. The triglyceride is called Butyric acid or Butyrate. Without that butyrate, the cells would die and become necrotic.
I was losing more than a unit of blood per week and this went on for about 6 months. Only the transplant finally fixed the problem. The pain of a dying and necrotic organ inside of you is a pain that is off the charts. These bacteria also create vitamin B12 as a byproduct, but we cannot absorb enough of it to stay healthy. Many people who have tried to go vegan without any B12 supplementation have learned that the hard way.
To fix this problem, gorillas are know to eat their own feces, because just like them, we defecate out the largest bulk of that B12, so unless someone is willing to eat their own shit, they’re going to have to take B12 supplements if they abstain from all animal products.
I am pretty sure that heavy amounts of gas and bloating is not a good thing. Typically, our internal organs are incapable of feeling pain. They do not have the nerve endings needed to register pain, but the intestinal transplant surgeons told me that the intestines are mostly the same; they said you can stretch them, cut them and squash them and the patient will feel no pain. It is only when they are expanded that we feel debilitating pain. Now, why would that be?
My guess is that like all pain, it is a warning of a problem. Expanded bowels can mean a stricture, which is a very serious condition that can kill a person in a short time. Gas and bloating also expands the bowels and can cause painful cramping. I’ve got to believe that this is hard on the digestive system and our gut is trying to warn us, so to ignore this warning and just tolerate it, as you suggested, for a very tiny fraction of absorption possible in the colon because the blood stream is behind a barrier, is probably not a wise thing.
I think our ancestors, who didn’t have our modern medical diagnostic capabilities, based their judgement on how foods effected them. If a food caused cramps, pain, constipation, diarrhea or heart burn, they either avoided that food completely, or found a better way to prepare it so to wouldn’t cause these issues.
Remember, they couldn’t run down to the nearest drug store and buy any of the multitude of OTC remedies we have available today. I have pointed out the size of the isle for digestive remedies to my wife on several occasions and stated that it was proof that Americans are eating the wrong foods, otherwise we would have far less need for these drugs. Anti-diarrhea meds, anti-heartburn, anti-constipation, enemas, and so on and so on. Our ancestors just didn’t eat foods that would give them these problems, but because Americans have so many for these remedies available, we eat foods that we know are going to antagonize our digestive systems, this is insane!
We need to stop eating foods that make us sick, just because we have modern medications to treat the bad side effects. We need to eat the foods that our most primitive ancestors evolved eating. We still carry their DNA and unless we want to keep being sick and needing so much medication and surgeries to live to a decrepit old age, just to brag we live longer, then in another million years of this we may finally evolve to eat grains and massive amounts of sugar without heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
This generation will certainly never adapt and we will spend most of our adult life sick and needing doctors and medicine to make it day to day. Maybe it’s just smarter to eat right.
Great to hear from you! This fiber to absorbable fatty acid keeps popping up in the literature. Need to check where the fatty acids are formed and absorbed.
Wheat bran is probably full of phytates. Best stayed away from.
The majority of fatty acid creations are done in the liver, just like cholesterol. But, like cholesterol, many fatty acids can be created by each cell if necessary. That is how important cholesterol is to cell health. Animal cell membranes are made from cholesterol, which is why we can easily digest animal foods, whereas plant cells are made of a carbohydrate, cellulose, rather then a fat, and is a very hard, wood-like, molecule and is completely indigestible by ANY ANIMAL.
It is only certain bacterial which can break down cellulose and plant eating animals, especially ruminants, are reliant on those bacteria to feed them. These bacteria can ferment indigestible plant cells and many of them can then convert that carbohydrate to a fatty acid, most commonly the short chain triglyceride called butyric acid, also known as butyrate. The ruminant mammal can then absorb that fatty acid and use it for food energy.
I covered this is better detail in my article entitled “Only One Animal Survives On Low Fat Nutrition”. This is because most people believe that plant eating animals live on carbohydrates, but they don’t. Butyrate is a saturated fat, this is why animal products that come from a cow, meat or milk, has saturated fat in it. This why the cattle, who graze only on grasses, can have so much fat in their meat and milk.
It’s a pretty interesting study and certainly sheds more light on the fact that saturated fat is very important to the health of all mammals. Thanks Eric for writing and I apologize for the long delay in my reply. It’s been really rough the last few months. The bone marrow transplant I had in August really knocked the piss out of me. Though it wasn’t as bad as the bowel transplant, but I cannot think of many things that could be as rough as that was. Thanks.
Hey thanks for the response. I just thought abt one of the first reasons i was given that eating meat was bad and it was because we have to cook meat. I am older now so i realized that we as humans cook and almost cook EVERYTHING we eat lol. I have also heard that if veggies are cooked, then they lose their nutrients. I am curious as to your thoughts on this because i actually typically eat them raw(broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes).
Actually, humans are perfectly capable of digesting raw meat, we only began cooking meat to reduce the risks of infection from parasites and pathogens. Many vegetables can be eaten raw, but there are many that are toxic to humans if not cooked – especially grains. All grains, beans and legumes are poisonous to humans if not cooked to reduce the lectins. Lectins are highly toxic to humans.
Though it is true that some nutrients are destroyed when vegetables are heated (especially enzymes and vitamin C), it is also true that many of these nutrients are not bio-availble to humans unless the vegetables are cooked. Unlike animal cells, plant cells have a membrane made of cellulose, an indigestible carbohydrate. No mammal on earth produce enzymes capable of digesting cellulose. Ruminant animals, such as cattle, have 4 stomachs and also regurgitate their food between each pass through a stomach in order to chew it again. Cellulose can only be breached by the mechanical action of chewing and fermentation. Ruminants also have a large stomach called the “rumen” where vegetables are fermented by bacteria and protozoa – humans have no such stomach, so it is only through the action of chewing that we can break open the cells to get to the nutrition inside. Unfortunately, we do not have the large flat molars and powerful jaws of a ruminant animal, nor can we chew our food multiple times. But, heat can also break down the cellulose wall, so for the human, cooked vegetables are actually higher in bio-available nutrition than raw.
The other alternative, that I use for many of my vegetables, is fermentation. I ferment cabbage, carrots and peppers (peppers are very high in vitamin C). Fermentation achieves the same result as what happens in a cow’s rumen chamber. The lacto-bacteria are able to digest the cellulose walls without heat. Humans used fermentation as a way to store vegetables before refrigeration. It is probably the most nutritional way to prepare vegetables. Though the British navy carried limes in order to ward off scurvy (hence why they were called “Limeys), the Norwegian people carried fermented cabbage (sauerkraut) to achieve the same result. Fermented cabbage or peppers are very high in vitamin C. The best and easiest way to ferment vegetables is in a ceramic crock. I use a Harsch crock, because it has the patented water trough ring around the top to create a seal that allows the gas to escape, without allowing air to get in (otherwise you can end up with yeast growing on top). The lacto-bacteria are anaerobic and will die with contact to air.
So even though raw vegetables have a higher nutrition, the human is unable to access them unless they are ground up very well or cooked. This is why some people like to juice them, but you have to be careful that the juicer has a slow speed motor. Many commercial juicers turn very high RPMs and will create a lot of heat, thereby destroying many of the nutrients. I eat both cooked and fermented vegetables. I ferment the vegetables myself, because most commercial fermented vegetables are pasteurized, thereby destroying many of the nutrients and killing off the live cultures, which are very healthy – especially for replenishing probiotics in the colon to help with digesting.
I know that a lot of raw vegans like to claim that by eating vegetables raw they get more enzymes. Though enzymes are destroyed during cooking the human body manufactures all of the enzymes necessary for digestions – there is no such thing as an essential enzyme that must be obtained dietarily. So, if you enjoy the taste of raw vegetables, then go for it, but you’re really not getting any extra nutrition from them – and vitamin C can be obtained from most fruits or fermented vegetables – especially peppers. The brighter the color of the pepper, the higher the vitamin C. You mentioned tomatoes. A tomato is technically a fruit, so a human can digest them without cooking (they are not protected by cellulose walls).
Also what do you think abt fruit and juice from fruit?
Fruits are completely different from vegetables or grains. Beans, legumes and grains are the offspring of the plant (seeds), so they are heavily defended from predators by toxins, such as lectins and phytates (I will be posting an article about this real soon). This is why they must be cooked to make them safe to eat. The vegetation is the body of the plant, so it is not as heavily defended, but has a tough indigestible membrane. Fruits on the other hand are the ovary of the plant, the part that carries the seed. And though the seeds of the fruit are typically defended with deadly toxins, the actual fruit itself was evolved by the plant for the purpose of being eaten by a predator. That’s why it is so tasty and nutritious.
The plant sacrifices the meat of the fruit, because the seed is indigestible and will be passed through the predator and replanted in a new location. So, fruits, by design, are intended to be offered up and eaten in order to spread their seeds. The only problem with fruit juices are that most commercial brands have a lot of added sugar – often times more than sodas. So it is best if you squeeze it yourself or buy a brand with no added sugar. Many people who are overweight or have diabetes have to be careful about eating a lot of fruit, especially high sugar fruits, like apples and bananas (berries have lower natural sugars), because they can spike blood sugar.
One thing that most people do not realize is that most modern fruits have been bred by humans to have a much higher sugar content than their ancestors. The type of fruits that chimpanzees eat (and our ancestors) would be considered sour and inedible by our modern tastes. Modern grains are the same. They have been bred throughout history to have a higher starch content and lower micro-nutrients, because the manufacturers will add or enrich them with man-made vitamins after harvest.
Most commercial fruit juices are similar. Besides the added sugar, they also have to pasteurize them, which destroys most of the natural nutrients and then they replace them with man-made vitamins and minerals. It seems kind of crazy, but that’s what they do. My wife used to work as an accountant for an orange juice factory (we live in Florida) and she said it was basically liquid candy. It was all highly processed and heated until there was no nutrition left. Then they added vitamin C, calcium and a bunch of other man-made nutrients – then a lot of sugar was added. We always squeeze our own orange juice.
Fruits are a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants (vitamin C is one of the few vitamins that is not abundant in meats or fish). The Inuit people, who were nearly pure carnivores, got their vitamin C from eating raw livers from fish and mammals (few people want to eat raw liver, so fruits are a good source of that essential vitamin). I was told by the doctors that grapefruit will react with my anti-rejection medication and could kill me, but only grapefruit for some reason – I can eat all other citrus fruit.
Very interesting and informative comment regarding the fruit.
If you have not read this, download the PDF file: The Vegetarian Myth, whose author, although a militant feminist, goes on to show, without a doubt, the trouble and destruction both planetwise and on humans, that agriculture has done since its inception 10,000 yrs ago.
Thanks Jean, yes I have read Lierre Keith’s “Vegetarian Myth”. I really like her writing style, very entertaining. She has a lot of good information and ideas. (I think she should have left the heavy feminism stuff out or at least toned it down – she would have sold more books). I also think it is horrible the way she has been physically attacked by the vegan community – says a lot about their attitude towards defectors.
You may also be interested in a speech by Allan Savory and look at the successful experiment that he has accomplished over the last 20 years returning desert into lush green lands using noting but migrating livestock. He has solve two major problems, reversing desertification of our land with a by product of tons of meat which could feed the world. Here is a link to one of his presentations, I hope you enjoy. Here
Thanks so much for the facinating link; he is correct, we have to work with nature, not against her.
I posted a comment on the video, here it is:
Jean Bush
1 second ago
It is NOT human over population that is the problem, and if you people think it is, why don’t you all kill yourselves and reduce our numbers????
It is mismanagement of the natural resources and technology that is causing problems. There is no manmade GW; the sun is the driver of the weather throughout the solar system. A dearth of sunspots, as in the present cycle, means cooler climate; high sunspot activity means warmer. Localized weather does NOT indicate any kind of climate change.
And remember, the earth’s climate has been changing for millions of years. The geological calm of the past 10,000 yrs has let mankink proliferate and create civilizations, however, the 2004 earthquate and tsunami has demonstrated the earth is only snoozing, not sleeping. Dispite our advances, Mother Nature will, in the end, always have her way with us.
David, some of these “vegan” idiots infuriate me. The minute they complain about the population, that’s when I know they are run by the Elite’s agenda of control. They can control 1 billion people, but not 6-7 billion.
I’ll fight them with my last breath,not that it will do any good:(
Keep up the good work.
Oh Jean! You’re the one I owed the reply to for days. I’m sorry, I though it was Cap’n Jan I didn’t reply to, but the comments were coming in fast the other day and your’s got pushed to the next page. I super-apologize, because I had missed the email I just caught up with earlier and sent you back (though I may have forgot to include the contact info you wanted). No wonder you thought I was mad at you! I promise, I was not ignoring you. It’s funny that you mention vegans here, because it was a vegan troll that has been messing things up here and the reason things got pushed off the page, because they were spamming and trolling – what a pain they can be.
Why are they so damned angry all the time? I am so glad to be done with that troll. I hate when they come around even though they’re easy enough to handle, especially since all of their pseudoscience is defended by personal attacks on their opponent, never any science defending their side, because there is none!
The main problem with them is they turn anything they get involved with into a three ring circus and I am trying to cover some important messages at this site, like intestinal transplants and the lack of knowledge about them and the dangers of colonoscopies and other procedures we have been lied about the safety of.
Once they start with the personal attacks and pseudoscience, you get mired down into that mess and I can imagine people start not taking you serious anymore, because arguing with vegans can be a full-time job once you start. If you don’t stand up to them, half the people wonder why you’re backing down from their lame arguments and if you engage them half the people wonder what in the world you’re doing fighting with those clowns.
They don’t really have lives outside of their religion (it seems more like a religion), so they have nothing better to do but start trouble, because they are so angry all the time. Who wants to even get into a discussion with someone so pissed off at the world? I think they became vegan just because they want to argue all the time and veganism affords them that.
I’m just glad to be rid of the troll, because I haven’t had one in a while and it’s been nice without them around.
Oh,David, don’t worry about that, I know you’re very busy.
I completely understand,I deal with trolls all day long. As for why they are so angry, Konstantin Monastyrsky covers that in the first chapter of Fiber Menace, it’s caused by lack of protein, here is a quote from a website:
Other Symptoms
Not all of the symptoms of protein deficiency are physical. Some are emotional or mental, and include the following:
•Crankiness, moodiness
•Problems with conflict resolution
•Severe depression
•Lack of energy, no desire to do things
As for the global warming scam, here’s an article I wrote on it several years ago:
Thanks so much for responding and I will get back to your email in a couple of days.
I followed a link from Marks Daily Apple to here. Excellent content and commentary. Wow – you are truly super-human! My interest in a primal diet was inspired by my time in fire and EMS: It’s alarming the % of patients who are diabetic. It’s also alarming that none that I have encountered yet do not care to know everything there is to know about their condition – including how to potentially manage it outside of pharmacology.
My wife and I have found that better eating to be FUN – it’s a new spin on being a foodie.
Thanks, James. I’m glad you found my blog and I appreciate your comment. I am certainly a statistical anomaly. By all accounts, I shouldn’t be alive, according to all of the doctors who have had a hand in my recovery.
Being in such a large transplant facility for more than six months, I had the opportunity to meet many other transplant recipients. I could not understand how so many of them gave no thought to their diet and returned to eating tons of junk while attempting to heal from such a traumatic operation. I am the only one who made a complete recovery and I credit that to eating real food. It is amazing from what the human body can recover from if given the proper nutrition.
How can a body heal from massive trauma with nothing but loads of carbohydrates? I don’t believe it can and that is why I publish this blog, to document the things I have witnessed throughout my recovery and the recovery of other multivisceral transplant patients that I have met.
I hope you continue to eat healthy and stay well.
Hey Wolverine, been a while since I have been on here. James you are correct in your assessment with ppl not wanting to know more abt their condition. A real shame.
Wolverine I have a question. So… are the carbs, beans, etc. that you mentioned as being poisonous to humans, are they even meant for humans?
Hi Sharif. The carbohydrates in grains and beans are not what makes them toxic and they are only poisonous in their raw state. It is the lectins that make them toxic and heat can reduce or completely destroy the lectins. Lectin is a chemical defense for the plant’s offspring. I wrote an article specifically about this that is entitled “Are Whole Healthy Grains Defenseless?”
This makes it quite apparent that seeds (grains and beans) were not on the menu for prehistoric humans, prior to the advent of fire, pottery and ovens. Beans and grains only became a part of the human diet about 10,000 years ago, which is very short span of time in human history. So, I can’t see how we would have evolved to eat them. Insects and birds tend to be the only animal that have evolved a mechanism to safely eat seeds – all mammals become sick when eating them. This is why grain fed cattle have to be given antibiotics to maintain weight.
Though beans and grains can be made less toxic by soaking and cooking, they can still cause a good amount of distress on the intestines (high levels of indigestible carbohydrates). This is why pharmaceutical companies have marketed enzymes, like Beano and Gas-X, to aid in the digestion of these hard to digest foods. I believe one of the problems facing us is that out technology has allowed us to make poor food choices. Pharmaceutical companies have created hundreds of products that allow people to eat foods they would have had no choice but to simply avoid more than seventy years ago. Products like Pepto-Bismol, Tums, Prilosec, Zantac, Imodium, Kaopectate, Ex-lax, Beano, Milk Of Magnesia and many more give relief from indigestion from foods we’d probably been better off not eating.
I understand why people began to consume seeds, because it is better than starvation and also allowed civilizations to stay in one place, rather than moving from hunting ground to hunting ground. Without agriculture, we would not have built civilizations, but it is a double edged sword.
Anthropologists also notice that many dental and general health problems begin to show up in the remains of grain eating agriculturalists that are not seen in hunter/gatherers. These are the same diseases of civilization that we see on the rise today, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and many other autoimmune diseases.
So in my opinion, if better foods are available, grains and beans are just too problematic to waste to,e with. The Weston A. Price Foundation teaches many traditional ways that humans have developed to make these foods safer to eat and more digestible (processed food manufacturers do not use any of these methods), but it’s really a lot of work for such a poor source of nutrition and probably only worth the effort if no other food is available. They call for soaking in brine, cooking, grinding and fermenting in order to lower all of the anti-nutrients, such as lectins, phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors, etc.. To me, they’re just not worth it when I can eat fish, meat, eggs, vegetables and get all the nutrition I need.
Soaking, slow grinding and fermenting are all time-consuming chores and in the business world – time is money – so all of these foods are served up with all their anti-nutrients at full strength. This is something that no prior civilization has attempted and I believe we are seeming the results of this in the health of our society. (I say “slow grinding, because high speed grinders create high heat, which can destroy nutrients and oxidize fatty acids, creating free radicals.). Even worse, cereals are then run through an extrusion press, which again creates high heat and pressure. After studying how cereals are made, I believe they are one of the unhealthiest foods in the modern diet.
Any food that needs to be processed in order to make it edible for humans has not been part of the human food supply for very long. Hope this answers your question.
It does. Thanks. Yes I also heard/read the same thing abt cereal. If anything at the least, it provides a consistent intake of sugar. So yea cereal isn’t good for us.
What kind of vegetables to you eat?
I just want to THANK YOU for posting your story online, so we can all defeat the system that has done you so much harm! THIS is the reason you made it through, so many can be helped by your experience and not trust their doctors anymore. Last year, my husband’s PSA test came back at 6 and the “doctor” immediately wanted to ship him off to a urologist, for who knows what! He did not go. This year his PSA (which they say cannot come down and for sure you have prostate cancer!!!!) is 4.5! Trust in God (meaning, Christ), and not man, who has no interest in your well being at all. Today, most doctors are only interested in getting rich at your expense. THANK YOU Wolverine. You are an inspiration to many, and a Godsend. May you be blessed, and continue to heal from the harm they did to you. God loves you.
Thank you for the kind words of inspiration. I have learned that the doctors are beholden to the pharmaceutical companies, who put profit margins far ahead of human lives. When I discovered that the pharmaceutical companies are aware of the fact that their infused soy lipids destroy the liver of short bowel patients and they also know that the Omegaven lipids infused in most European hospitals does no liver damage, yet they have convinced the FDA to outlaw the use of Omegaven in the U.S., it became very clear that they care not about human lives, but corporate profits instead.
If you read my article about the infused soy lipids entitled: “The Truth About Soy“, I cover this in great detail. It is all about patents. The U.S pharmaceutical companies own the patent on the outdated soy lipids, whereas some European company owns the rights to Omegaven (made with fish oil, rather than soy), so there would be little profit for them. The Pharmacist, who compounded my TPN, told me that any doctor or pharmacist that uses Omegaven will lose their license – this is how seriously they play. Yet the soy lipids are killing TPN patients, including children.
I don’t believe that most doctors are evil, they have just been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical companies that their products are the answer to everything – and the more, the merrier. They are also convinced that every invasive procedure that they perform on perfectly healthy people, like colonoscopies and CT scans, are safe and effective. Many of the procedures used by doctors have little to no clinical studies that prove their effectiveness, nor the damage that they may cause. The damages, like mine, are swept under the carpet and never reported. These manufacturers are very good at getting these things through the FDA without in depth studies, which is why so many drugs are pulled from the shelves after they kill many people, like Vioxx.
I am happy to hear that your husband’s condition has improved and hope that it continues to do so. Thank you for your thoughts and consideration. I do hope that all the suffering I went through does serve some purpose in the end. Because my story would shed light on the problems associated with the colonoscopy procedure, it is impossible for me to get any media attention on it. The mainstream media will not report on stories where the doctor or hospital was responsible for the patient’s injury, especially the colonoscopy, which has become the darling of the media (NBC is owned by General Electric, the leading manufacturer of medical equipment, including the endoscope used in colonoscopies). So, I am left with only a simple blog which reaches very few people.
I hope I can make a bigger impact before my time is up. My actual name is David, but unfortunately, the Goliath that is the multibillion dollar medical industry is too powerful to be slain. They own the media (look at how much advertising the drug companies do for the news and other programming) and have complete control on which stories will be told. I have saved a life or two by publishing this site though and that is good enough. I know this, because a couple of people have learned of intestinal transplants through this blog, because few doctors know about them and just keep patients on TPN, which is a slow agonizing death. These people were able to get transplants, which is the cure for short bowel syndrome.
Thanks for the comment and the inspiring compliments. I wish I got more of that. I could really use some inspiration right now, because I have gotten some fairly bad news from doctors recently. Please keep me in your thoughts. Best wishes.
Hi Wolverine
Sorry to hear about your bad medical news.
If you could share the general nature of the problem Perhaps we could offer you some of the same insights you have provided us.
I do not want to go where you do not.
Thanks Lou
The details of my medical nightmare are posted under the link at the top navigation bar entitled “Wolverine Story”.
Thank you for your concerns. If you have any questions after reading my horrific story, please feel free to write back and I will be glad to answer any of them I can. Thanks again for writing.
My god man. I am so sorry. Thanks for posting this. In my weaker moments long, long ago I have considered an anal probe. NO MORE!
How have you recovered?
What are your major problems; I may have some suggestions you have not tried.
Thanks Lou
Thanks again, Lou. The first six months following the transplant were the toughest, since I nearly died a couple of times to a systemic infection, which led to a perforated right lung. The next two years was a lot of healing and a lot of tweaks to my diet. It’s hard to tell which foods are being problematic until you have eliminated the majority of the offenders.
The two worst obstacles were more impossible to avoid. The first being the tremendous amount of radiation I was exposed to via CT Scans both prior to and following the transplant and the second being the immunosuppressant medications to avoid organ rejection. Unfortunately, the combination of the two have created quite a recipe for cancer and a very rare and bad one at that, multiple myeloma.
This will, by far, be the greatest challenge facing me now. My greatest chance of surviving this disease would be to lower or drop the Tacrolimus (antirejection med), but that could also kill me. Though some liver and kidney patients have been able to be removed from Tacrolimus, no intestinal or multivisceral recipient have ever been able to survive it. So, we are trying to lower mine as much as possible without entering into organ rejection. I’m sure in the end, the cancer will win, I just hope to prolong it as long as possible. Thanks again for the question.
Thanks. Wow that is quite a list but I think I can set you on a path to removing at least cancer from your worries.
If you take the time to follow, which I know you will, this path of exploration IMO cancer should prove SIMPLE after all you have been through.
As you know eating is MOST of our problems. Cancer is no different.
If something is not clear please respond and we can work out an approach. Fixing cancer just may solve some of your other problems but if not we can tackle them after cancer. As you will see preventing and treating cancer SOLVES a lot of problems other than cancer.
Thanks Lou
Well, David, you are spot on, as usual.
You are doing a great service and are reaching more then you suspect.
Even though people like us cannot seemingly make a dent in the Medical Establishment, the people that you are reaching will slowly but surely withdraw from the current propaganda and take control of their own lives.
Even though you are ill and tired, you are definately making a difference.
Remember, the weaker, sicker, broker and more confused we are, the easier we can be controlled.
Thank you Jean. I amassed a great amount of knowledge during the many months I laid on deaths door and had decided to share that knowledge if I were fortunate enough to survive. I know that there are many more people like us, who seem like a distant call from the wilderness, but I am hopeful as I see more and more people becoming suspicious of the corporate package health care advertising we have been sold.
Once people dare to question the medical norms and realize that modern medicine does not have all the answers and that many of their answers are flat out wrong, they tend to wake up and join us.
They told people to drop fat and eat more carbs in the form of starch and everyone got fat. They made everyone lower cholesterol and take pills to lower it more and cancer has been on the rise (since cholesterol is our best protection against cancer). We cannot manufacture vitamin D without cholesterol and vit D is the strongest protection against cancer.
Once the entire heath system is ruled by the government, people will become sicker than ever and easier to control. All of the invasive and dangerous tests and procedures (colonoscopies, statin, drugs, mammogram, prostate exams – all which carry risks and serious dangers) will soon be mandated. Those who refuse will risk losing their coverage. They will believe that this will save money by preventing diseases, but those of us in the know are already aware that these devices do not prevent anything, but do seriously injure a portion of people who undergo them.
This utopian dream that those that voted for this had, will soon become their worst nightmare.
thanks, great info on sugar etc
Thanks for writing, Rick. I like to know when someone enjoys the articles.
Wow, David. What an amazing story. I’m so sorry about what you have been going through. Know that you are changing a lot of lives. Mine included.
You mention a bit about how the sugar can wreak havoc on the system, but what about exercise? I’m a distance runner. Would the body process sugar differently running–for example, when I’m doing a 3 hour training run, or while I’m running a marathon? If it is still a bad thing to ingest–and fish, meat, eggs, and veggies don’t seem to be possible to eat during a run–is low glycemic fruit the best thing to use? Thank you, and continued good luck with your recovery.
Deep into exercise your body does need glucose. However table sugar is one half glucose and one half fructose. The fructose must be first processed by your liver; something you do not want to do.
Dextrose is 100% glucose and is the sugar you want for fuel while on an extended exercise IMO.
Yeah – and a lot of people like to use the excuse that the brain needs glucose to gorge themselves on all manners of super-sweetened confections.
Just because our brain and muscles use glucose as fuel is hardly an invitation to consume ten times more than any human did just 100 years ago (the average american eats over 150 pounds of sugar annually, compared to just 20 pounds per year in 1900). Ask any diabetic if glucose is a “safe” sugar. Nerve damage begins when the blood glucose levels exceeds 140 mg/dl and so too does arterial damage begin. It is high blood glucose levels that ultimately cause type 2 diabetes.
I know that athletes love to “carb load” before practice or competition to build up stores of glycogen in their liver and that this does improve their stamina and athletic ability, but who says that this is actually healthy? Steroids will also improve athletic performance, but I wouldn’t consider them a healthy choice for longevity. If you drive your blood glucose levels beyond 150 mg/dl, you are doing damage to your arteries.
The sugar used in the TPN, which was infused into my arteries, was DEXTROSE and yet the doctors claimed that it typically destroys all of the access arteries of recipients within 2 years. So, you can see that glucose is not a perfectly “safe” sugar.
As a matter of fact, though fructose can cause fat stores in the liver (NASH), it cannot be used directly by the blood stream. Because glucose is the body’s preferred sugar, high amounts of glucose (as in starches) are readily taken up into the blood stream and can elevate blood sugar much faster than any other sugar. I understand that athletes need to carb load to compete, but, they should do it knowing there are risks – blown out knees and busted ankles aren’t exactly healthy either, but it is also risks that athletes take.
So, people need to careful with the sugars, especially if they are not an athlete and have no intention of an aggressive work out directly after eating that pie.
I understand that athletes must load up on carbs to compete, especially long distance athletes and it’s hard to say how much damage can be done by this practice, because there are a lot of variables to consider. The real question is going to be how high do you run up your blood glucose levels? Have you ever tested your blood sugar after carb-loading?
Once your blood sugar reaches 140 mg/dl, nerve damage begins (this is what ultimately cause neuropathy and amputation of limbs in diabetics). Certainly an athlete will use up the blood sugar quicker than a couch potato, so they will sustain less damage. I think it would also depend on how soon after carb-loading that you begin exercise or competition. The sooner that blood sugar is stabilized, the better. First your body will burn what’s in the blood, then it will tap the glycogen stores in the liver, then it will attempt to access other fat reserves, but by then you are spent (because the subcutaneous and visceral fat are very slow to access). This is why only carbohydrates can work as an instant energy source for long distance athletes.
I would suggest that you get one of those glucose meters and test your blood sugar about 20 minutes after carb-loading. If the level is over 150 mg/dl, then you may want to consider carb-loading over a longer period of time. The purpose of carb loading is to build up glycogen (a fat made from glucose) stores in the liver. glycogen is a readily available fat and source of energy, unlike the subcutaneous and visceral fat stores, which take a long time for the body to access.
I would believe it is possible to build those glycogen stores in a way that doesn’t jack your blood sugar. A glucose meter should help you determine how that can be achieved and do the least amount of damage. If you can manage that, you would have no worries. Unfortunately, to be a top competitor, I think that health needs to be secondary. To those type athletes, winning is more important than health (think Lance Armstrong, who certainly didn’t do his body good with those steroids). An athletes risk injury every time they compete, so there are certain risks to being a top competitor.
Hi Wolverine,
Thank you for all the amazing information.
I am 44 and have been a sugar addict my whole life. Now I am wising up and making some changes. I am guessing that there is already some plaque in my arteries b/c of all the sugar I have consumed. Do you know if there is any way to reverse the build up? Thank you
Best Regards
Catherine T/ Seattle
Hi Cathrine, One thing that I am living proof of, is that the human body has the ability to repair any damage done to it, as long as we survive the initial damage. To know me now, few people would guess how many times I was just minutes from death, because my recovery has been so complete.
Once the highly inflammatory foods have been removed from our diet (especially the processed seed oils, which are probably the most destructive substances consumed in our modern times) the body will begin the process of healing and repairing the damage. Our bodies know how to reduce aterial plaque (or any other damage), we just have to stop intaking the offending foods and give it what it needs to repair cell damage.
If you wish to speed up the process of healing, the best way is to add very healthy foods to the diet. This is actually much harder to do than most people would assume, because it goes against everything that we have been brainwashed to believe. We have been taught that saturated fat is the worst thing for us, thereby pushing people to low fat diets. A low fat diet often ends up a low protein diet and protein is what is needed to for the body to repair.
I have been eating a diet high in fat and protein since my transplant, which is why I believe that I have recovered much faster than the other transplant recipients (who all stay with the low fat option).
You may want to check out the works of Doctor William Davis, who has had much success in reducing plaque in his patients with diet alone. Dr. Davis authored the book “Wheat Belly” which explains why the modern hybrid breed of semi-dwarf wheat has been causing many health problems in people since it took over the markets in the late 1970s.
His website called “Track Your Plaque” is located at this address:
You should be able to learn a lot from the information on his website and even more from his books. Thanks for writing.
Thank you. I will start there.
Hope this is okay….Sending a hug your way!
🙂 Catherine
“Once the highly inflammatory foods have been removed from our diet (especially the processed seed oils, which are probably the most destructive substances consumed in our modern times) the body will begin the process of healing and repairing the damage.”
Great advice.
Understanding WHAT arterial plaque is is the start of removing it.
Thanks you Lou, for the information.
Thank You, your info is very intresting
You certinly know what you are talking
About. 😉
I hv a question, i use to hv 3 sugars in
my Tea (Cup of Tea) but stopped becuase
i started get very small sharpe pains in
my chest area this would only happen
when i am in bed trying 2 sleep, i only
have half a sugar, 1 sugar or 1 and a half of sugar in my Tea, i am trying my
Best 2 cup out sugar all together when
i have Tea. Can u tell me y i’m getting
these small shape pains in my chest (The Right side of my chest), as i am not convinced by my Doctor. I go out running
3 times a week & do sit ups, all body excersizes 3 times a week. I even got the
pains in my cheast (Right side of my Chest) when i stopped working out 3 times a week for a good few months. ?
Hi Jake. I’m not a doctor and it is very difficult to determine what could be causing these pains with such a small amount of information. I don’t think that sugar can have such a direct effect on the heart. Sugar damage to the arteries is a long-term effect and gives no warning signs of the impending disaster.
Do the pains go away when you remove the sugar completely? I ask this because it may not be the sugar at all causing the pain, it could even be the caffeine from the tea or have no relation at all to the tea/sugar. If you want to drop the sugar, but like your tea sweetened, you could try using Stevia. If you don’t like the taste of the stevia, you could use half sugar and half stevia to help use less sugar.
The Pains stop when i stop taking sugar with my tea,but i don’t know if its the sugar or the tea that is causing these small pains, i do not get sick ever, i do not drink alcohol, smoke or take drugs, i keep fit by going out running down at my local track 3 times and week & workout 3 times aweek, the last time that i got sick was about 3 years ago. I don’t get colds, flu’s. ect But i would get a touch of colds, flue’s the odd time. These small pains in the right side of my chest has only started 2 happen in the past year and a half. I went 2 my doctor and he checked my chest ect all the normal things & told me that i was perfectly fine there was nothing wrong with my body, Blood pressure was fine, chest, he suggested giving me a prescription for Ibuprofen but i knew that the Ibuprofen would not do me any good. I think that i should cut down on drinking tea for example only drink tea once a weekend as a Treat :). ?
I have found as I grow older I can tolerate less and less refined sugar. Today (at 74 years) even a single teaspoon of sugar on an empty stomach with my tea gives me a headache; two teaspoons twice as much pain.
It feels so good when you stop hitting yourself with a sugar hammer. It is much worse when you eat sugar and feel NO pain; as I once did.
Hi Wolverine,
It’s really inspiring to read your experience. I really wish you the best of health. I’m also following a low car high protein diet. Although, I’m not that old (28 yrs) and not really sick or anything, I strongly believe that this diet will help me greatly in the long run. I’m also pushing my parents to follow the low carb low sugar high protein diet, even if they are not used to it. I hope more people will read your experience in this site and be inspired.
Thank you Daryl for your kind words. I agree with you that a low carb diet is the healthiest diet. We call it low carb only because people today eat far too many carbs — really it’s just the natural diet human’s evolved to eat. Our Paleolithic ancestors did not have year round access to high sugar foods and even the fruits they did have access to were far lower in sugar content. Most people do not realize that our modern fruits, grains and tubers have been hybred by humans for many years to have a much higher sugar content. The fruits our anscestors ate were far more sour and not as sweet.
I live in Florida, and here we have many orange groves. When an orange grove is abandoned and no heavy fertilization takes place, the trees will revert back to their more conservative anscestor. We call it a “sour root” tree and I have yet to see anyone be able to eat the fruit. It is so acidic and sour, that everyone I have ever seen try to eat an orange from the these trees immediately spit it out of their mouth — yet this is what our anscestor would have eaten before agriculture came about. We have just gotten spoiled and used to very sweet things, but our bodies have not gotten used to handling the heavy sugar load of the modern diet.
I was astonished to learn that just 100 years ago (around the year 1900) the average American ate about 30 pounds of sugar per year. Today, the average American eats more than 150 pounds of sugar per year. How can anything increase that much and not cause a health problem. Diabetes and obesity are a direct result of this change in diet. I wish you luck with your parents. Thanks again for you kind words of encouragement.
Hi Wolverine,
You’re welcome. Also, I forgot to add, have you tried intermittent fasting? I’m doing this as well combined with my low carb high protein fat diet.
The best thing about fasting is autophagy, it basically heals you from the inside out. I’m currently doing the 16-8 type of fasting everyday. If you haven’t explored fasting, also take a look at it and see if it’s beneficial for you 🙂
Fasting has also been shown to be STRONGLY anti-cancer.
Like exercise, fasting has been with us throughout the millions of years our bodies have developed and is REQUIRED for good robust health IMO.
A One Day Fast or a One Meal Fast is Helpful IMO
You may consider making that a low carb high FAT diet. A diet high in protein (greater than 25% of calories) is often very hard on the kidneys. Most of us non heavy athletes require about 15% of our calories as protein.
Good fat, there are LOTS of bad fats, is is the replacement for junk food and simple carbs.
The process of storing sugar and simple carbs as fat is what creates the dangerous excess triglycerides; the lesson is to eat GOOD FAT NOT sugar and simple carbs
Eating good fat and protein does not make you fat, carbohydrates, especially REFINED, SIMPLE CARBS does; and The WORST simple carb is SUGAR
Good point Lou. Protein can be toxic in high levels. Unfortunately, most people have been brainwashed after years and years of vilifying saturated fat that most people just can’t get over the temptation to trim all the fat from their meat. This is sad, because the fat strip on a good steak is the tastiest part.
Besides sugar, protein can also trigger insulin secretion, just not quite at the same degree. I believe that fat is the only macronutrient which does not call for insulin.
You sir are an amazing human being and thanks for the article.
Thank you so much for those words of encouragement, JD.
If you want to view a simple video that will turn your sweet tooth off FOREVER here it is.
Simple sugar rendering your WHOLE body dysfunctional in 15 short minutes.
Do you honestly believe NIH et al does not KNOW this? Why is the Federal Government subsidizing SUGAR? Why is this country eating a per capita 25 % of our calories as refined POISONOUS SUGAR?
Dear David
Since I read your amazing story several years ago, I began changing my nutrition habits.
Have to thank You a lot and hope You will win this new battle INE more time.
Best Regards
Thank you so much Marcio. I hope that you new diet is going well. Though I realize it is a never ending tweeking and adjusting. I am alsways finding ways to improve on my diet, always research and learning new things. I am so sorry I have not added anything new in a while, but I promise everyone that will change. I am trying to readust my schedule just like the diet. I’ll find a way to work everything in soon. Wishing you the best.
Hello Wolverine
What a priviliage to read your story! I am so grateful that you recovered and are sharing with us your exeperice and your journey. Thank you!
I was searching for information regarding ‘what causes CAD’ …. Cardiovascular Artery Disease and found your website -:)
It makes perfect sense that one of the contributing factors is sugar, however I suspect ther has to be more because not all of us eating sugar end up with CAD.
I am not a typical candidate for CAD and what I mean by that is that I am not overweight, I am not diabetic, I do not smoke, no heart disease in my family or high blood pressure. I live health conscious life and I do not eat typical American diet. I do not eat anything made in a lab or factory … Only what Mother Earth is offering us! My shopping is from the local markets and farms in GA.
I am from Eastern Europe so when I was growing up we eat organic, pasture raised meat with loads of fermented foods ( cold long winters so we had loads of fermented food in the pantry) .. All food was organic because farmers were poor! and all was home made so I guess that is why like you I never had to see a doctor, that is until just recently.
Having said all that I always had ‘a sweet tooth’ … My drug of choice was icecream, candies, and choclate!!! as often as I could and as much as I could .. Yummy!! Lol … No more.
Two moths ago I had a stent put in my RCA .. right coronary artery .. Because I had 95% blockage. Like you I feel very much special because I was 5% away from maybe fatal heart attack … somehow did not happend. I had no symptoms only very random feeling of pressure in my chest on exertion.
Your post is very helpful because it helps my search for a cause of CAD…. right now I am a number in a conventional medicine and I am treated accordingly I.e. Statins, blood pressure medication, blood thinners and small aspirine. I refuse to be a number and be put in the box despite the fact that, I do not fit into any criterias of conventional medicine as a candidate for CAD … But I am treated as one. One for all!!
I feel it is sensible to buy time and stay on the prescribed medication for a year and at the same time start taking a supplements for my condition but the latter would be much easier to choose if I know more about the source of my clogged arteries. I have signs of moderate calcification allover the place LOL! I had DNA testing but this did not shed any light on the source of my condition.
I will keep searching and would be grateful if you have and can share more of your wisdom.
Till the next time stay happy and healthy and my kind regards to your wife it must of been horrendous for her watching you and feeling powerless because of the health system and FDA protocol. We have many wonderful physicians but the FDA is crippling them!
Love and laughter …ola
Ps. I love the discription of your farm … Feeling jealousy comming up for me :))
Hi Ola. Thank you for writing and for the encouraging words. The known and documented effects of the TPN on the arteries is just one example of a modern eating habit which causes CAD, because high blood sugar levels are toxic and damage the arterial walls, causing inflammation and cracks which allow cholesterol, calcium, WBCs and many other things which cause a clot to form within the arterial wall.
There are many other chemicals within processed foods which can cause the same inflammation. Another culprit are the highly processed and rancid vegetable oils which are contained in nearly all processed foods, mostly because it is cheap to produce and the government and other entities began pushing these oils as being healthier than the traditional saturated fats. Recent research has revealed that the saturated fats are not as unhealthy as originally believed, but that the trans fats in these processed oils has been proven to be far worse at elevating LDLs and cause CAD. If you want to see how these oils are made, check out this video:
…which shows how many different chemicals (including hexane, a petroleum by-product) are used to extract the oil and the tremendous amount of pressure it is exposed to while pressing it into hard cakes. The oil is so damaged and rancid at the end of the processed, it has to be bleached (because it is a nasty brown color) and deodorized (because it smells awful) or no one in their right mind would buy it.
I never claimed that sugar was the only problem. In fact, I have several other articles covering other dangerous foods in the american diet which can lead o CAD and cancer. The incredible amount of soy in the american diet is very problematic which I detailed in the post “The Truth About Soy” and the damage that I witnessed caused by the soy-based lipids when infused into patients with short bowel syndrome.
Yes, my ordeal has been extremely stressful on my sweet wife and I have been more than impressed with her ability to handle it all. She is really a rock. I was raised on a farm, but later lived in more populated areas and even lived in an apartment for a time when I was a young man, but that was like trapping a tiger in a tiny cage. I couldn’t wait until I could find a small farm I could afford to buy and have now been living there for nearly 20 years. Couldn’t be happier and can’t imagine ever living in any place where I can spit on my neighbor’s house from my window.
The best proof of the FDA’s corruption can be seen in my post “Truth About Soy”. The life-saving Omegaven (made from fish oil, rather than soy) is not available for those with short gut syndrome because the FDA refuses to approve it for use as an infused lipid. Certainly they are not outlawing it because they have no information proving fish oil is not dangerous, especially since Omegaven has been in use in Europe for more than 20 years. The real reason is because the patent for the liver-killing soy formula is held by an american drug company and the Omegaven patent is held by a European company.
You know that the drug companies are paying well to keep the Omegaven out of the USA because it would cost them much, since the Inralipids (soy-based) would fall completely out of use if the Omegaven was introduced because it does no liver damage. One of the women I met at the transplant hospital had to have a liver transplant along with the bowel transplant because the soy-lipids completely liked her liver within 6 months of use. Soy is far from heath food it is touted as.
Thanks again for writing and for the encouraging thoughts. Best wishes for good health.
Good morning – thank you for your time.
Thank God I do not eat any food what is made in the labs or factories … I stick to Mother Nature I practice ‘food is my medicine’ and it must be produce by the earth not human.
I would like to share with you and your followers Linus Pauling discovers ref Vit C and Lysine, hoping that it may help some who reads your blog.
What is very intriguing about this old Nobel Price winner work is that nobody in a ‘health industry’ suggests or follows!? …. When one follows the money one finds that it not enough profit in this simple helpful aproach, there is enough evidence (real rather then group studies organized by pharmaceutical industy) … I hope this helps.
Kind regards
Thank you! You are awesome! Your story is why I try to keep four letter words sacred. That helps build their power. As in, Holy Sh*t, what a courageous, graceful and intelligent man you are.
Right now I’m eating a big piece of humble pie for two reasons. First, I’ve been a T1D for 50 years. Because of that and the many complications for the disease and its treatment, I’ve had many days, even weeks, of depression. But compared to your story I’ve been a wimp.
Next, I’ve been a LCHF eater for 11 years and have read extensively on all things nutrition. (Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution, which was my gateway LCHF book, recommends keeping up on new research.) Eventually, I started writing comments on youtube, blogs and other types of nutrition articles. And yes, I’ve argued with many vegans. i’ve become somewhat proud of becoming more efficient and thorough in my comments. But comparing my attempts to your blog, well, I’m eating my second piece of humble pie. Thanks.
BTW, why are you not on
Thank you Nate for your encouraging words. It really means a lot to me. 50 years is certainly a long time to suffer with a disease like Type 1 Diabetes, so don’t sell yourself short. I was lucky to be extremely healthy for most of my life, but I guess i am proof how catastrophically it can go south. I haven’t written anything new on this blog in a while, but I do hope to start writing again soon. Thanks again for your comments.
Wow, what an amazing story and blog. Thank you for keeping it here for us to read and learn from.
Thank you for you kind and encouraging words. Best health to you.
Wow, so glad to see that you are still with us and able to respond to comments on your incredibly well-written and informative blog. I can’t believe how much I have learned — my 10 year old son narrowly avoided your experience, and I am so glad that I followed my “gut instinct” with regard to all of the nonsense that was foisted upon us from doctors and nurses, from every direction. It was very difficult to keep saying no…and the doctors got their revenge, too — when I refused to consent to the colonoscopy one doctor INSISTED my son undergo, he literally reported me to Child Protective Services as suffering from Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy, testified against my husband and I in court, and helped removed BOTH of our children due to ‘medical neglect.”
They have both been gone for two years, and the court totally helped cover-up the medication error that nearly cost my son his life while i helplessly looked on.
But at least he is still alive; I believe that he would have died had we gone along with the Hell they had planned and in store for him…TPN, feeding tubes, colonoscopy…exploratory surgery…ugh.
They kept saying our son was “withholding” his stool…that is, that he had given himself constipation for three years, because all of a sudden he was too afraid to poop and that he had forgotten how to poop — so ridiculous.
It turned out that our son had contracted a Helicobacter Heilmannii gastrointestinal infection from a stray kitten we had taken into our home three years earler. H. Heilmannii occurs naturally in the stomachs of most cats and dogs in the U.S. — children and those with compromised immune systems are susceptible to contracting it from their domestic companion animal; the resulting infection causes the gastric mucosa to inflame shut…impeding the normal passage of stool and causing various dyspeptic symptoms. In our son’s case, it had inflamed his pyloric sphincter nearly closed, and his entire intestine was full packed full of soft, noxious stool.
H. Heilmannii is detected via blood test and easily eradicated with a 21-day regimen of liquid suspension antibiotics.
Hi Spydra, I thank you for sharing your story here. Unfortunately, this is not the first story like this I have gotten here. This is all going to get worst before it gets any better (if it ever gets better at all). Other distraught parents have written me about having social services take their children from their custody because they refused to go along with some horribly dangerous, invasive procedure they refused for their child. Of course, the State certainly knows what’s better for our children than the child’s parents.
I have also been warning people of things to come as the American government seizes more and more control of its health care system. I seriously doubt that future Americans will know what freedom to make decisions about their health feels like. Since our government is so convinced (by the drug companies) that statins work as advertised (Even though statins have been marketed for decades and heart disease is still our top killer), they will use the excuse of saving tons of money towards health-care by mandating that every adult with cholesterol levels above whatever number they are saying is normal this week, take a statin drug. They may just ultimately mandate that everyone over 50 years old take statins and use regular blood work to prove they are taking their drug and if not, they’ll be fined.
This sounds ridiculous, but I never thought I would see the day that our government could mandate the purchase of a product. Obama claimed there would be no mandates for purchasing his “Affordable Care” while running for President, but I knew that he would have to create mandates or his system wouldn’t work — he knew it too. In a similar manner, dangerous procedures like colonoscopies, will also be mandated under the same claim, to save Obamacare money and save lives. No matter how impossible this may sound, I think we know it is true when we see what they have done in the case of children, such as your own and others who have written me. Just look at the great job Michelle did with making young people eat healthy, now they just throw the lunch in the garbage and eat nothing, but the Obamas think they can mandate people to behave.
I thank you for the information about the H. Heilmannii you have provided. I am so sorry to hear about the way you and your children have been treated, especially since you were only looking out for the child’s best interest, which I doubt was the case with the doctor, who was more about winning, no matter what the cost to the child.
Thankyou for this mate I just put it all on my fbook,unbelivable what youve been through wow. I take my hat off to you
Hi Ava and thank you for the kind words. It becomes even hard for me to believe what I went through as the years pass. The chemotherapy drug used for intestinal transplants also carries cancer risks and of course, I ended up with a very rare cancer of the bone marrow called Multiple Myeloma. It is an incurable cancer and I have been fighting it since it was diagnosed in 2013. I am doing remarkably well, according to all the oncologist, but it is always there to remind me of what I went through. Thank you again for writing. I haven’t added anything new to this blog in quite a while because there are so many projects that I want to accomplish before my time is up. I do hope to be adding new material soon.
Thank you Ava for your encouraging words. I have been through hell and back. Unfortunately it never seems to stop. I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2013 and have been fighting that ever since. The Multiple Myeloma was likely caused as a result of a chemotherapy drug called Campath, which is used in the intestinal transplant to make the body accept the new organ better. In fact, it was the introduction of Campath to the procedure which made intestinal transplants possible.
Multiple Myeloma is an incurable form of cancer, but I have been responding well to treatments so far. I thank you much for writing and the kind words.
Hi Wolverine, I just read your story. I’m so shocked. So sorry to read what happened to you. I’m happy you’ve survived. I wish you health….
I stumbled upon this article googling sugar and its affect on blood vessels. I had found an e-book that suggested a relation, which sounded very unscientific to me and wanted to find substance to that claim.
So I got here, but I’m afraid I did not find your article any help either. To my understanding the essence of the article comes from two things: what you heard “I was told by doctors that the high sugar content of the TPN would eventually cause the arteries to fail” and what you felt “Once, a nurse made the mistake of hooking the TPN to a peripheral, rather than the port catheter. When she started the pump, it immediately felt as though acid was pumped into the vein in my arm and then it failed and infiltrated within seconds”. However, none of this is what I was searching for (science and proof).
I’m a laymen but I understand that much that, something given orally and intravenously are not comparable. I’ve google some more and found a few things that I did not know when I got here first:
anything given to artieries comes with a high risk. Arteries are very sensitive and they can cramp and if they do, huge cell death and loss of organs can follow, at least I didnt know this.
However, parenteral solutions cannot be given to smaller vessels, and here is why (ref: they are hypertonic. Basically it would dry out and clog up the vessels (thrombosis) instantly. (
What they say about dextrose in these articles is that it is instantly absorbed, preferred way of food for the cells, (and bacteria alike?) and (thus?)prone to infections.
this all fits your story well. I thought maybe it would be interesting to you.
I’m on a no sugar/low carb diet since at least a year ago for the record. If you find scientific articles about what these doctors said I’d be happy to hear it.
Hi Anton. Thanks for writing and for your kind words concerning what I suffered.
I guess it could seem unscientific when you write it that way. You have written this as though a single doctor had this radical theory about TPN and its effects on the arteries, but that is far from the truth. The destruction of the access arteries is well known by any and all doctors who have been involved with TPN. I had many doctors tell me that I could not be on the TPN indefinitely, because it would ultimately destroy the arteries they need to access. They all claimed it was the high level of glucose which causes the damage.
Every doctor also knew that the soy based lipids infused here in the U.S. would destroy my liver within a few years. In fact, many of the other patients who came to Jackson Memorial to have an intestinal transplant, also ended up needing a liver transplant due to the damage done by the soy lipids. I had never seen people so yellow. One woman was as yellow as a banana, no kidding,
I’m sure if you want to do the leg work, you could find a clinical study which confirms this, but when you see as many people with damaged livers from these lipids, you really don’t need to see a clinical study. The sad thing is that in Europe, they use a lipid made from fish oil for infusions and it causes no liver damage.
The FDA will not approve it for use in the U.S., with the exception of children whose livers have been damage by the soy crap. The compound pharmacist who mixed my TPN told us about this. We tried to get the Omegaven (The fish oil lipids) so my liver would not be damaged, but the compound pharmacist told us that he would lose his license if he gave me the Omegaven.
This is no doubt a political issue and not a safety issue. My guess is that the patent for Omegaven is held by a European pharmaceutical company. Since it does no damage, everyone would ask for that and the american company who owns the Intrlipids patent wouldn’t be able to sell that shit to anyone and lose much profit. Fucking FDA can be bought for sure.
The compound pharmacist told us he had infused Omeganev into children with damaged livers and he said it was miraculous how quickly their livers would regenerate. You can look that up on the internet.
I don’t know if there are clinical studies, but there are certainly thousands of cases of serious liver damage done by the Intrlipids. It is well known and documented that this soy causes cirrhosis of the liver when infused. In this case infusion may be far different from consumption, but I’ll never eat soy again.
If I said that anyone who cuts their femoral artery will possible bleed out, but I won’t believe that until I see a double blind clinical study. Some things are self-evident and the damage to arteries by the dextrose in TPN is well documented and well known within the medical world.
I understand that intravenous infusion of certain chemicals are not the same as oral consumption of the same chemical in most cases. In the case of glucose (dextrose) they are the same. Glucose is the preferred carbohydrate for our brain. In fact, it is so important, our liver can synthesize glucose from protein in a process called gluconeogenesis.
If a human is starving, the brain will start to digest the muscles and even the organs for the protein necessary to make into glucose to feed the brain. I suspect this is why humans crave sugar and naturally find it pleasant.
In a more primitive time for humans, when carbohydrates were scarce and seasonal, it was important for them to find any sugar they can because the brain needs it. Problem is, sugar is no longer only available seasonally and certainly not scarce.
Not all sugars are absorbed the same. Fructose cannot be used by our bodies in it’s native state, but must be taken to the liver where it is converted to a triglyceride (a fat). Unfortunately, high consumption of fructose has proven to cause NASH, a fatty liver disease which used to only be seen in alcoholics, which is why NASH is for Non-Alcoholic Steato-Hepititis.
In 1900, the average American consumed abut 30-50 pounds of sugar per year. Presently, the average American consumes 150-250 pounds of sugar per year. I do not think that this statistic includes sugar from starches which are pure chains of glucose. I believe it is only including the sweet types of sugar, sucrose. Sucrose (table sugar) molecules are made up of a glucose and fructose molecule bonded together. Of course, the amylase in our saliva breaks that chain right away and the glucose is absorbed directly into the blood.
This is the same for starches, which would include all grains, beans and potatoes. These starches are long chains of glucose which are broken down to pure glucose by our saliva. It is hit with more amylase in the stomach and duodenum.
At the times that my catheter became infected, they couldn’t use it to infuse medications, including the TPN. For those days, the only way to feed me was with PPN (Partial Parenteral Nutrition, which was a mixture with far less sugar and not enough calories to live on for an extended period. This PPN was infused through a peripheral catheter in my arm. Even with the lower sugar, the vein would usually fail in about 24 hours.
I am sure you can find plenty of studies to substantiate these thing, I didn’t provide any links to any studies on these things because they are very evident and not just the observation of a couple of people. Every doctor knows this and every patient who was ever on TPN knows it, so I didn’t think a clinical study was necessary anymore than I would need to link to a study to substantiate a claim that a person falling from 200 feet will be killed. Some things are just known.
When we eat foods high in glucose, the glucose, unlike other sugars, is absorbed directly into the blood. Unlike other foods that we eat, glucose needs no digestion (other than the amylase which breaks the bonds, reducing sugars to monosaccharides) or processing to be used, it goes straight to use in the blood.
After losing all of my intestines, I only had 8 inches of jejunum (the first section of the small bowels). The 8 inches formed a stoma where everything I ate was evacuated. With such a short bowel (basically only inches off the stomach) I was unable to absorb anything, not even water. I had to be hydrated by infusions of saline. Because of this, I figured it didn’t matter what I ate or drank, because none of it would be absorbed and for 99.99999% of the time, that was right.
Because of the high sugar content of the TPN, the nurses had to constantly check my blood sugar. My damned fingers got stuck 8 or 9 times a day – I had so many holes in my fingers, I thought I could blow into my thumb and play my hand like a flute (joking). One night, my mother brought me a bunch of sweet snacks and some seriously sweet chocolate milk, which I huffed down because the hospital food sucked so bad.
The nurse came in that night to check my blood sugar and it was extremely high and she had to give me 2 insulin shots. That was when I learned that I could absorb sugar. I really don’t need a study to tell me that the sugar must begin to absorb in the stomach, duodenum and jejunum. That is how readily glucose is absorbed and why not? It is already in the form which we use it, no further processing. It surprised me that I was unable to absorb water, but could quickly absorb sugar? It seemed to be the only thing I was able to absorb.
High blood sugar is toxic to any mammal which is why we all manufacture insulin. Insulin lowers blood sugar by trapping fat into the fat cells, thereby forcing the body to burn sugar only in an attempt to lower the blood sugar. Nerve damage begins when the blood sugar is over 140 mg/dl. This range is often achieved by healthy people right after eating, but the damage is minimal and quickly repaired as long as the insulin gets the level back below 100 mg/dl.
Problem is, when the blood glucose level is constantly elevated, the pancreas must make more and more insulin. Eventually, the cells begin to ignore the call of the insulin and it takes more and more to get them to respond. This is a pre-diabetic condition called metabolic syndrome. There are may Americans that are in this state and are not aware, not until they are finally diagnosed with full blown type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is when the cells no longer respond to insulin. By then, the blood sugar can stay elevated for long periods of time. Nerve damage is a result of this condition, which is why many diabetics can lose fingers, toes and even their feet. Long before that, they usually have a lot of numbness in their hands and feet. Many diabetics cannot feel their feet at all making it difficult to walk. I know a couple diabetics in this state and they are confined to wheelchairs.
Besides the nerve damage, they also take more damage to their arteries from the elevated sugar, very much like what happens to those on TPN. This is very evident when you do some research and find that diabetics have more than twice the risk of heart disease, strokes and cancer.
Cholesterol is a waxy substance. It is not a sticky substance. There is a misconception that high cholesterol causes it to stick to the artery walls. This is bullshit. Cholesterol does become involved in atherosclerosis, but it is not the cause. Atherosclerosis begins when cholesterol and other substances get trapped behind the arterial wall. Something first has to do the damage to the artery to cause the inflammation and openings for the cholesterol to get caught.
Cholesterol shows up to help repair the damage and instead gets caught up in it. Then white blood cells show up and they get caught. Worst of all is when the calcium starts to get caught within. This causes hardening of the arteries. Why is calcium so high the blood during this condition? because of the high sugar levels. Sugar can turn the blood acidic and the body will send calcium to neutralize the acid even if it has to take it from the bones (which can cause osteoparosis).
It is sugar that can cause the inflammation and arterial damage to start the whole process. I do not think it is sugar alone. Any free radical can do damage to arteries, so I do not ignore these frankenoils made from grains (vegetable oils). If you ever see how they are processed, you would never eat them again. They are as processed as motor oil. Watch this video:
Anyway, I’ve ranted enough. I am glad you came by and read some of my rants. This is not a science blog and I am not a scientist, I am an artist who just happened to end up in the medical machine. I published this blog to tell my story and to let people know what I experienced and learned throughout the ordeal.
I do try to provide links to science studies in most article, but not to everything. I see that you went and did some research and found more information about glucose and the arteries. That alone is all I am trying to achieve.
If I can inspire people to do more research on the foods they eat and realize that this processed shit they are selling us in the average grocery store are not worth eating. Many of them are just naked calories, with little to no nutritional value and at worse, contain many toxic chemicals or foods or oils which have been processed and heated to the point of becoming rancid, which can do much danger to the body and arteries.
I just watched my father die last year. He had heart disease and trusted the doctors and took any medication they handed him and went through every procedure or surgery they scheduled without question. They had him on more than 22 different medications and he didn’t know what any of them were.
He finally began having strokes and each one destroyed another part of his brain until he made no sense at all. It was very frustrating because he never listened to anything I said and only trusted the doctors, who in my opinion, killed him. All of my siblings felt the same.
Thanks again for writing and I hope you stay strong and healthy for many years to come. I’m glad to hear you have adopted a low carb diet. Humans did not evolve to eat 250 pounds of sugar per year. It is no doubt one of the things causing disease and death to americans.
oh I googled some more and found articles about high blood sugar and endothelium. I learned a lot today thanks to your article. A BIG THANK YOU.
Wow what a fantastic article, came across this as I frantically search for information on how sugar and carbs can increase LDL and cause arteries to plaque. I am a big believe in higher fat and lower carb/sugar but being a Personal Trainer not many in my field agree with me. I am fed up of the false information and manipulated information given from the government! I love the scientific detail you have gone into, but also the link with your own personal experience. How do I follow your blog!?
Leigh x
Hi Leigh. Thank you for the encouraging words and taking the time to write. I know what you’re talking about. The more I have researched, the more obvious it has become that we evolved as an omnivore who survived mostly on meat and supplemented our diet with vegetation when meat was less available. Certainly carbs were hard to come by for our ancestors, but since carbs are needed for the brain and nerves to work properly (though they can work off of keytones when carbs are not available and our liver can convert protein to glucose when necessary through gluconeogenesis) our ancestor developed a craving for carbohydrates. This has become a major problem since we now have carbs year around and in abundance, but our cravings are still as high as when carbs were only available seasonally and hard to acquire.
Unlike all of the other great apes, humans have the ApoE3 gene, which gives protection from saturated fat (I have more about that in detail in my article “The Planet That Went Ape). There is little doubt that our ancestors ate a large amount of red meat in their diet. This is why animals like the aurochs were hunted into extinction. We are actually well adapted to handle the fat load, but we are poorly adapted to handle the high sugar load of today. Modern diabetes is slowly taking us off the map. If the modern lie which continues to push the high carb insanity continues, the population of humans on this planet could be cut in half within the next century or two.
As far as other trainers go, I do not argue that anyone who wants to compete in extreme sports must carb-load to compete. There is no way anyone can compete against those who carb-load with a high fat diet prior to competition, but this in no way proves carbs are healthy. You can compete even better if you use steroids too, but who will argue that steroids are the way to good health? It’s like a high performance formula 1 race car compared to the 6 cylinder family sedan. Sure the muscle car will run a lot faster than the sedan, but if its longevity you’re after, the sedan will run many years further than the muscle car. In fact, the muscle cars typically have to be broken down and rebuilt after every race because of the extreme wear on all of the parts.
I used to have a place where you could put in your email address and get notifications when new articles came out on every page. Now that you pointed it out, I see that it is missing. I must have accidentally dumped it when changing something else. I will have t fix that. To be honest, I haven’t really published anything new in a long while and that needs to change. I have been wrapped up in several other projects over the last year and have ignored this website terribly. I have a lot of readers who have written me wondering if I am okay. I can see why they worry with my condition, but I am still doing well. There have been several projects I have procrastinated for many years. Things I wanted to do before I die, so I started thinking, since my demise nearly came too quick, that I would get on to those and inadvertently pushed this aside. My intention was to get back to writing articles for the blog in a few weeks, but it turned into a much longer time.
Hopefully I wil get busy publishing some new stuff. It’s not as if I have run out of material. I have plenty to rant about. I just need to take the time to do it. I will get that field back on the site so readers can once again get notifications of new material. Thanks again for commenting and for the very encouraging words you wrote.
Excellent article. I’m not sure if you’ve already addressed this subject but I’m curious to know your thoughts on not only sugar but the creation of sugar-like molecules due to excessive consumption or maybe high-glycemic index foods? Maybe I’m not making myself clear as these correlations are bouncing around in my head. Would a similar reaction occur with excessive consumption or high glycemic index foods. Thanks.
Hi Wolverine, I am so grateful to you for writing as clearly and passionately as you do about health issues. And I admire your will to live and hope that you are going strong today.
I have a health problem that perhaps you or your readers can comment on. Even though I have avoided processed sugars and oils most of my life, I am newly diagnosed with BOTH cancer and arteriosclerosis. The treatments that make sense to me go in opposite directions: raw veggies and lots of fruit for cancer with no meat and low fruit, some meat for heart disease.
My health professional has not helped me resolve this.
Any thoughts? Thanks
HELLO. What are your thoughts on brain aneurysms? Do you believe the human body can naturally heal these? Specifically a sack aneurysm. If they are caused by weakness of an artery wall, can’t the same concept apply with regards to healthy eating and no sugar?
Thanks so much for your time and for sharing your experiences, knowledge, and expertise to the public.