Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you have probably heard the debates surrounding the health risks or benefits of soybean. There are some people who believe that soy is a superfood, containing components that lend protection from heart disease and cancer; and then there are others who consider soy one of the most dangerous products in our food supply. The fats from soybean are a polyunsaturated fat, so it considered to be extremely “heart healthy” by doctors, nutritionists and the media. The media and nutritionists are entirely convinced of the mythical properties of soy, but as far as doctors are concerned, I’ve witnessed a bit of a double standard.
It is my hope to shed a little new light on this debate, based on my experience with the potential damage associated with soybeans. After losing my intestines, I was kept alive on infusions of TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition). TPN contains carbohydrates (dextrose) and protein (amino acids), but it is missing one essential macronutrient — fat. To cover this problem, the doctors infused lipids every other day with the TPN. Here in the U.S., hospitals use a liquid fat made from soybeans called “intralipid”. Yet, the doctors all knew and warned me that prolong infusion of these lipids would ultimately cause cirrhosis of the liver, leading to its failure. Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Liver Disease (PNALD), is the name given to this syndrome. The mechanism by which the soy lipids destroy the liver is yet unknown, but it is known that until they can find a suitable replacement for soy, many more livers will die. [PubMed abstract]
At the time I was placed on these infusions, we didn’t know that intestinal transplants existed, so my wife and I were extremely concerned. I was basically given two possible scenarios that would eventually end my life. One would be the loss of access because of the damage to the arteries by the TPN [article here]. At that point, I would starve to death. The second one was when my liver would give out due to the soy lipids, which doctors estimated could take about 2 years.
Fortunately for me, I received my transplant before any permanent damage was sustained by my liver, but a woman who I met in Jackson Memorial Hospital was not so lucky. This woman had lost her intestines due to a blood clot in her mesenteric artery, cutting off the blood flow to the bowels. The thrombosis was caused by a faulty gastric bypass surgery she underwent sometime earlier. (A side point I’d like to cover; I was told by the transplant staff at Jackson Memorial that the number one cause of people losing their intestines and needing transplants are as a result of gastric bypass surgery, so if you’re considering that procedure, you might want to give some consideration concerning its safety). At the time we met this woman, her skin and eyes were golden-yellow from cirrhosis. The damage was caused by the intralipid she was receiving while waiting for a transplant. The scary part was that she had only been on TPN the same amount of time I had been (about six months). The exception was that her doctors had infused the lipids everyday, whereas I only received them every other day. I guess that made the difference.
Because her liver had been destroyed, she was now in need of a multivisceral (multi organ) transplant. She ultimately had every organ replaced in her digestive tract from the stomach to the rectum — seven organs in all. She received a new stomach, pancreas, spleen, liver, duodenum, small and large intestines. She is still doing quite well, amazingly. The reason I’m covering her story is because she had conducted the same research we had and learned about another type of lipid infusion that’s used in Europe. Doctors in the E.U. are able to use a lipid made from fish oil called “Omegaven”. Omegaven has not only been shown to cause no damage to the liver of TPN patients, but has been clinically proven to actually reverse the damage sustained by the use of the soy oil.
Soy lipids contain a very high amount of linoleic acid, which is an essential omega 6 fatty acid, but is extremely inflammatory. Fish oils contain a percentage of omega 3 fatty acids which are very anti-inflammatory. Humans need a balance of these fatty acids to offset the damage. If you consume a lot of soy products, you are not getting a proper balance of fatty acids, which can lead to a lot of inflammation, including heart disease. Unfortunately for vegans, animal products are the only reliable source of the proper omega 3 fatty acids.
Our research revealed one unbelievable fact — the FDA does not allow the use of Omegaven in the United States! There is only one exception to this ban. When children on TPN have already taken liver damage due to the soy based oil, the FDA will permit the infusion of Omegaven. Many doctors that we spoke to admitted that they had seen remarkable results on these children. Adults cannot get Omegaven, no matter how much liver damage they have sustained from the soy. What in the hell is the politics behind this bullshit is still a mystery. Could the soy lobby actually have that much influence over the FDA that they are willing to let people die of cirrhosis, including children? It would seem so, beings I cannot think of any other reason. Any doctor caught infusing Omegaven in the U.S. put their license at risk.
There’s absolutely no way they have to do further studies on the effects of using fish oil. People have been consuming fish oil for millions of years and it has a wonderful track-record in Europe as an infused lipid. If the FDA would continue to push the use of soy lipids, which is proven to cause liver damage in TPN patients, then how can we believe any of the other claimed health benefits of soy? Soy oil is used in so many processed foods and cooking oils.
Crisco is pure soy oil and many fast food restaurants fry their potatoes, chicken nuggets and fish patties in soy oils. Could it be the french fries and not the burger that makes fast food so unhealthy?
This woman had begun petitioning the government to allow the use of Omegaven as soon as her liver began to fail and was met with nothing but resistance. My wife and I had petitioned the pharmacist at the Hospital in Orlando about getting Omegaven mixed with my TPN to preserve my liver until I could get a transplant. The pharmacist knew of Omegaven and had administered it to children in the Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital in Orlando and testified to the near miraculous results. He had seen children rebound from late stage cirrhosis to near perfect liver enzymes, but he told us that he could lose his license and face possible imprisonment if he gave it to me.
Do you still trust your FDA? If so, please leave a comment on this post explaining the reason for them to ban this proven nutrient. I now avoid soy at all costs. I will never knowingly eat this crap as long as I might live. The part that burns my ass more is that doctors know that these soy lipids destroy the liver and yet still recommend soy-based foods and claim them as “healthy”. Like I said in the “The Effect Of Sugar On The Arteries”, they’re either fucking morons or they want us to get sick. And don’t give me that shit about the Asians eating soy and being so healthy and having extreme longevity, because the Asians have historically only consumed soy that was fermented (Miso, Tempeh, Natto and Soy Sauce) and only in small quantities (about 2 teaspoons) as a condiment. Fermentation destroys many of the anti-nutrients contained in soy, such as phytic acid and lectins. No culture has ever consumed unfermented soy in the mass quantities that we consume presently. Why? Because soy is cheap, government subsidized and pushed by the USDA.
In the last few decades, the U.S. has seen a substantial rise in cases of NASH (Non-Alcoholic SteatolHepatitis), which causes cirrhosis that was only seen historically in alcoholics. People who have never had a drop of alcohol in their life are coming down with this disease. Could the mass consumption of unfermented soy products be a contributing factor to this sudden rise? It would seem likely, based on the effect of intralipids. How could soy be such a healthy and wonderful food to eat, but is so unhealthy when infused that it can destroy that woman’s liver within six months? Funny how the two cheapest commodities in the food supply — soy and wheat, are claimed to be the most healthy. Where else in life is something that’s the least expensive also be the most desired? Nowhere! It’s because these products are so cheap, subsidized and have extend shelf-life that they are used as filler in everything, not because they’re healthy. That’s just how they’re advertised to the gullible.
Dude I’m glad I found this website. I found t reading about meat, because I was scared about some of those vs “facts” you were correcting vegans talk about That’s just scary. I’m going to look through all my food for soy. I never really ate it, but I definitely do not trust a lot of things people say nowadays like the FDA and USDA. But does McDonalds really fry using crisco? because they said they use canola oil that has no soy in it.
Thanks for the comment. McDonalds originally fried in beef tallow up until the late 80s. The fries tasted better and we did have less heart disease than now. They did use soy for awhile, I believe. I think they are using a blend of canola and cottonseed oils presently. I don’t trust any industrial processed seed oils because they have to be extracted with solvents (hexane) and are heated beyond their “smoke point”, meaning they are highly oxidized and inflammatory. Tallow, lard, butter and coconut oils have a much higher resistance to heat and do not oxidize so easily. Every one had been frightened away from these because they have saturated fat in them. I am not a believer in the lipid hypothesis. In the 1950s, people ate a lot more butter and lard and we had a lot lower rate of heart disease.
You will be surprised if you begin reading the labels on any processed food products at just how much soy is used. Americans are consuming a lot more than they think. Even most brands of tuna fish will have soy added (check the ingredients). It is a cheap filler because it’s government subsidized.
BTW, there was no such plant as a canola plant. It was created as a hybrid of the rapeseed. The rapeseed is highly toxic to the human liver, so it was bred to reduce the level of the toxin. Most of the original canola was being grown in Canada, so they named it Canadian oil or “canola” for short. I’m not convinced that it’s any healthier than soy lipids. Watch this video on how it’s made here at youtube
Unlike olive oil, which can simply be cold pressed from the olive, these seed oils have to undergo an extremely high amount of industrial processing and heating to extract. These seed oils have very low smoke points and burn at much lower temperatures than other fats. Heat causes oxidation, otherwise known as “free radicals” which are very inflammatory. These oils are already oxidized and rancid by the time you purchase them in the store even before you cook with them, further oxidizing the lipid molecules. I try to avoid all seed oils anymore. There has not been a decrease in heart disease and diabetes since people switched to seed oils. There has however been a marked increase in those diseases.
Thanks again for your thoughts
Butter cannot be used for high-temperature frying. It burns. You should use clarified butter/ghee!
Thanks mezzo. I was not aware that I suggested frying in butter, so I thank you for clarifying that. I will have to read the article again and see where I gave that recommendation. Butter is a good fat for sauté and baking, but has far too many solids within it which will burn when temperatures exceed 300 degrees f. Butter begins to smoke a lot at those temperatures. Ghee is far purer, with the solids removed and can cook cleaner at these temperature. Coconut oil is also a good oil for cooking at high temperatures. It has a very high smoke point.
I find that lard and tallow have the highest smoke points for frying or searing. I typically avoid frying food, but when I do, I go for home rendered lard and tallow (I raise cattle, so we render pounds of tallow after slaughter). If people understood that the smoke point of oils is the point where the hydrogen bonds begin to oxidize (take on oxygen), creating a free radical. These create a lot of inflammation once inside the arteries.
Once people realize this, they would see how these processed seed oils, soy, corn and even canola begin to run like water over 200 degrees f and then start to smoke. This is nothing that you should want to put into your body. To make matter worse, these oils have previously been oxidized before reaching your grocer’s shelf. In order to extract the oils from the seed, they must be heated and pressed into cakes, then soaked in solvents, such as hexane, then heated some more. By the end, they are so rancid that they smell horrible, so they are then run through a deodorizing process. Now you are going to take it home and heat it again, unless it is used in a salad dressing raw, but even then, it is loaded with free radicals from the process to extract the oil from the grain or bean which originally housed it.
Unlike olive oil, which can be crushed from the fruit, these bean/grain oils take an extreme factory operation to extract the oil from the seed. You cannot simply squeeze a soybean and wring out oil, which is why no human ever consumed these oils prior to the last 100 years – the same period of time that cancer has steadily been on the rise.
One of the best home tests for the quality of a cooking oil is by how well it solidifies in the refrigerator (seed oils will not solidify at all, unless they have been hydrogenated.), secondly, how fast do they run when heated? Vegetable oils will run like water, even at temperatures as low as 110 degrees f. Even olive oil, great for salad dressings and low temp sauté, will oxidize at temperatures above 300, so avoid high temperatures when cooking with olive oil.
Thanks again for pointing out my error. I will fix it right away. No researcher or doctor knows by what mechanism infused soy lipid destroys liver cells, but in every TPN recipient, liver failure by total cirrhosis happens within six months to two years.
be careful about olive oil. most of it (70%?) is fake i heard,
Thanks Pam. It’s real important that the Olive oil says “cold pressed”. Actually any oils should be cold pressed, because mass produced oils are pressed quickly, which creates a lot of heat. Olive oil has a smoke point of about 350 degrees F,(176.6 degrees C). This is the temprature that the molecules begin to oxydate (become rancid), creating a free radical, which is highly inflammatory to human tissues.
One of the biggest problems with commercial vegetable oils, (which are actully made from seeds, not vegetables), is the ridiculous amount of processing required just to extract them from the seed or bean. It requires multiple heating, pressing and chemical extraction (using petroleum solvents, like hexane), so the oils is very rancid by the end of the process (and still have traces of petroleum solvents). It smells so bad and look brown and burnt, that they then have to run the oils through a bleaching and deodorizing process or no one would dare eat it.
The following link is a video about how canola oil is made. The process is pretty much the same for all vegetable oils. Butter, lard and tallow can be made at home in any kitchen — that is impossible with these frankenoils. Check out this video to see what your oils go through:
thanks, & i dont’ know anyone who can still eat that crap (rapeseed/canola oil) after seeing it!
but it seems to be everywhere. & Whole Foods cooks with it. sigh.
oh, red palm oil is supposed to good too.
cold pressed tea seed oil (camilia) is supposed to good & tolerates high heat.
i found the link about fake EVOO:
I’ve broiled in butter… That’s high temps.
Thanks for this extremely important info about medical use of soy oil based Intralipid in TPN, definite proof of soy oil’s toxicity, and the ignorance and hypocrisy in mainstream “medicine” is both astounding and criminal.
I comment extensively on various blogs as subject matter permits about the dangers of all processed grocery store vegetable oils. The first clue to how poisonous they are is that they are packaged in clear bottles and displayed on open shelves at room temperature.
Another major clue can be found in the Wikipedia article about Linseed Oil which explains that “heating vegetable oils causes them to oxidize and polymerize, making it thicker and shortening its drying time.” This is what causes the splatters on the wall & surfaces around your stove that get darker & harder over time that can’t be washed off because they are insoluble with soap & water.
Another clue is in the Wiki page about Unsaturated Fat which explains that heating vegetable oil molecules that are naturally bent because of the double carbon bond changes the molecule from the bent CIS form to straight TRANS molecules that pack together in dense bundles due to covalent bonding & cross linking. This oxidized, straight molecule, polymerized TRANS molecule oil is the stuff that builds up in arteries and becomes atherosclerosis which accumulates with time and is progressively worse because even after a heart attack, bypass or stent procedure, people do not change their eating habits. People usually keep using the same adulterated vegetable oils that caused their heart disease in the first place because besides not knowing anything about nutrition, physicians know even less or nothing about lipid science except having been trained to believe & perpetuate the ought right lie about natural saturated fats being the cause of heart disease.
Besides you there are very few people & resources I’ve found on the web that are teaching the complete biochemical & physiological truth about fats & lipids, the best in my opinion is BrianPeskin.com, followed by Udo Erasmus, Patricia Kane PhD, and Mary Enig & Sally FAllon from the Weston Price site.
Thanks to you & the others I have & continue to learn much about the risks of consuming industrially processed “foods” and “oils”, people really do not understand how toxic & dangerous they are, but with each additional article the momentum is building & the word is getting out.
Amen to everything that you have added. I am not sure how much longer they will hide the truth about the highly inflammatory nature of these highly oxidized and rancid “seed oils” and how many more people will suffer as a result. I hate the Madison Avenue sales tactic of calling them “vegetable oils”, when in reality they are all processed from seeds. “Vegetable” was purposely used because people tend to associate vegetables with healthy nutrition.
Seeds are highly toxic by nature, as a defense against predators of the plant’s offspring – a chemical warfare, if you will. The highly industrialized processing necessary to remove the oils from the seeds includes extremely high heat and petroleum solvents, including hexane. They are rendered into bottles or cans full of “free radicals” which destroy cells on contact. Seeds are not defenseless – lectins, phytates, phytoestrogens and trypsin inhibitors make diabolical cocktails against predators – including humans.
Thank you for your commentary. Erasmus, Kane and Enig are pretty good company to be in – I respect them all and the research they have provided to all of us. I hope to continue to spread the word and write on the topics most people are afraid to speak of.
Hi, Wolverine,
i’m so very sorry to hear what you & your wife had to go through. thanks you for sharing what you learned.
my husband went go through 3 surgeries in 3 months due to complications (of the 1st surgery). he almost died. although your case is much worse!
as a result, i also started my own research. we also switched diet (after years of “standard healthy” diet)
it has been more than 2 years.
Thanks Pam, Sorry to hear about your husband’s ordeal, back to back surgeries can be tough and have a high mortality rate. My first 2 abdominal surgeries happened 5 days apart – luckily the transplant was six month later – I doubt I would have been strong enough to survive that any earlier.
Happy to hear that he has found a diet that works for him. It gets really frustrating, because so many of the other transplant patients that I befriended went right back to the SAD which consists of tons of sugar. Every one of them have been hospitalized for multiple infections, and even though I have had no infections in 2 years, they still scoff at my diet. I found that a high sugar and starch diet feeds infections, especially in immunosuppressed patients.
Even worse, every one of them have suffered serious bowel obstructions (can be deadly) and some have required surgery to remove them. I believe that’s because they all consume a high fiber diet – especially high in insoluble fiber – a recipe for constipation and bowel obstructions. I have had no obstructions (which are common in transplant patients, which I credit to a low fiber diet, mostly made up of soluble fiber). I personally believe that the high rates of diverticulitis in America are due to the recommendations of a high fiber diet, which causes bad cycles of constipation and diarrhea. You’d think they would notice that I have not been afflicted with these ailments and give some credit to my diet, but they don’t. They just say that I’m lucky. Some people can be in such denial when it comes to their comfort foods – even if those foods are killing them.
I hope your husband’s new diet leads to much better health in his future – and be able to stay away from doctors. That’s my plan.
Hi, Wolverine,
fortunately, he did not need a transplant.
it was a very prestigious hospital. & i can’t say we met any bad MDs or nurses. they all seemed caring enough.
the mistakes they made were (1) having too much faith in the equipment; (2) discharging him too early; cause the 1st surgery went so well. he was able to walk on the 2nd day. but i had to send him back to the emergency room on the same evening that he was released.
they only fed him “sugary water” (no fat) via IV. i suspect it was fructose, worse than glucose). like you, or most patients on IV, he gained a lot of weight each time & all in the wrong place!
you’re right that most MDs are fucking morons. they’re killing us & the next generations. even well meaning MDs have been brain washed.
there’re still some side effects. he is still improving & loosing weight (in the right place). so we’ll see.
our diet is moderately low carb (PHD/archevore).
stay well,
Another great post. Thanks! I was able to read this one and the one about your arteries aloud to my teenaged son. He hasn’t believed me about sugar and french fries being bad for you. Your articles held his attention, and I think they penetrated. Unfortunately, he is arguing that he is “young and healthy” and can get away with eating badly (although for the most part we feed him very well). I’m trying to tell him that kids who eat junk food can cause damage to their health that they’ll pay for later in life. Maybe he’s right to some extent that a young person is more resilient, but I wish I could read him something that would convince him once and for all to drop the sugar and fries. It’s so frustrating that all this junk food even exists. Thanks again for helping to shed the light on the poisons in our food supply.
The good thing is that you are feeding him well. So many other young people are fed junk for breakfast, lunch and dinner and fill up on all kinds of junk in between. The fact that you are preparing him good whole foods for the main meals should really help to offset damages he could receive from the junk food he indulges in between meals. As Long as the junk food is not of such quantity that it is causing him to become obese, there should be little to worry about. Young people do heal very quickly from damage. If the majority of his diet remains loaded with healthy fats and good protein, it will be hard for a small amount of junk to damage such a hardy young body.
I fear for these young people who eat nothing but crap. Their bones and muscles never get to develop properly and I wonder if some of them do not sustain some level of improper brain development from the lack of healthy fats. My niece raised her first son on soy milk and he had developed a lot of behavioral problems and the doctors say he has ADD and want to put him on drugs at 8 years old. I cannot understand why people think that soy milk could be a substitute for human breast milk, when human breast milk is nearly 80% fat and higher in cholesterol than cow’s milk? Soy lacks any kind of saturated fat or zero cholesterol. The brain makes up 25% of the body’s cholesterol. How can a child develop their brain properly without any fat? It’s quite insane that people have been sold this. It is so scary for me to believe that people have been convinced that nature could have made such a huge error by putting all that saturated fat in human milk.
Sounds like you’re setting the right example for your son and he will eventually grow out of the junk food stage with all of the good information you continue to provide him. Keep feeding him well and he will grow up to be among the healthy ones in this society that grows sicker everyday.
Let him read my story of what happened to me. I was raised on processed and I was very healthy also, but I did develop severe Ulcerative Colitis in my 40s – that damage was done from eating wheat – this is why I avoid all wheat now. Thanks to the crackpot treatment from the doctors, I lost all of my intestines and am damn lucky to be alive. If he’s smart, he’ll want to stay healthy and avoid doctors as much as possible. If the food doesn’t kill you, they certainly will finish the job.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. You’re right my son is definitely healthier than a lot of kids out there, but I’m going to share your story with him so he can know that there are consequences later in life to eating poorly during our youth (even wheat, which so many people think of as healthy!).
Interesting you mention soy milk formula. I tried as hard as I could to breastfeed but was unable to (I later found out that the women on my dad’s side of the family weren’t able to breastfeed…my grandmother had had to use a wet nurse for my dad). My son couldn’t tolerate the cow milk formula, so we ended up using soy formula, which my husband had been on as a baby. I felt devastated that he didn’t get my breast milk, but as soon as he could eat real food I made sure it was healthy.
My son did have ADD around 2nd grade, and I took him to a holistic doctor who put us all on a Candida cleanse (no sugar!)…plus we avoided foods we tested sensitive to. My son was sensitive to cow milk and wheat. I was sensitive to eggs and pineapple. Within a week his ADD was drastically reduced! Two months later we had him tested by a psychologist who found zero signs of ADD. My painful ovulations went away, and my husband lost 40 pounds in just 3 months. The amazing thing is I THOUGHT our diet was healthy, but it had so much Candida-provoking food in it. I remember all the organic chocolate yogurts I’d been giving my son, which ended up being full of sugar.
I read a great book called “Digestive Wellness” that said death begins in the gut. So true. What we put in our mouths is so important.
Sorry you have had to go through so much. Your blog is a real gift to the people who read it. I hope you will keep it up and have many more happy and healthful years.
Best wishes,
Vanessa, you did him a real big favor starting him right away on healthy fats. Without that cholesterol at a young age, it is hard for the brain to fully develop. Milk and wheat are notorious irritants for ADHD, ADD, Autism and Epilepsy. Children with these disease tend to do better if wheat and sometimes milk is removed from their diet. I mention cow’s milk last, because that’s kind of conditional. The highly processed milk sold today isn’t fit for anyone to drink. It’s highly allergenic and nearly indigestible. Raw milk is much better tolerated by most people, but not everyone can get it and some people are really afraid of it.
I drink raw milk from a really reliable family farm, where I know just how it is handled. I believe that everyone is better off to drink no cow’s milk at all, if they are unable to drink unprocessed milk. Since my transplant, I can’t drink processed milk – I get extremely sick. It’s not the lactose, because the raw milk has lactose and I digest it fine. I believe that the whey and casein proteins are just so denatured by the heat of pasteurization, that my body doesn’t recognize it and just tries to flush it out immediately.
I hope that the things that I had to survive and the lessons learned about digestion can help someone else. I hope that no one has to go through what I did. According to all the doctors – I shouldn’t have survived – I was extremely lucky and have no idea how I lived through so many different things that typically kill a human. I sure don’t ever want to push that luck again. Because the transplanted intestines are so sensitive to everything, as long as I listen to them and not try to cover up any anomalies with medication (which is what most people do – if something gives them indigestion, they take medication, rather than just stop eating what is bothering them). I am learning what is easy and what is hard to digest – and it’s not even close to what we’re told by our USDA. Wheat is probably one of the hardest things on our guts and the more whole it is, the more abrasive it is to the guts.
Hi Wolverine,
I think the reason you may be able to drink Raw Milk with no lactose issues is because Raw Milk has an enzyme called lactase—which breaks down lactose. When milk is pasteurized, it destroys lactase. This means that unless you happen to have other microbes in your gut that can breakdown lactose (e.g. some beneficial strands of ecoli), it will go unbroken down and could start giving problems.
I don’t think I have an issue with lactose, my intestines seem to produce lactase fine. I don’t know much about my donor, but he definitely seems that he was not lactose intolerant, so he was from an ethnicity that has evolved that ability. Before the transplant, I was not lactose intolerant either and I don’t know if that has anything t do with the bowels.
Since I am over 8 years out since the transplant, the doctors have told me that the bowel is pretty much 99% mine now. Eventually, all of the donor’s cells were replaced with my own and that could have also caused them to begin to make lactase. I am mostly Dutch and English ethnically. I have very Arian traits. I have a dirty blond hair, but eyes as blue as the sky; it’s the one feature everyone comments on about me is my bright blue eyes.
Most people of arian descent are lactose tolerant, since milk drinking was adopted by northern Europeans to make up for the lack of vitamin D from sunlight. I only have a problem with processed milk which has been pasteurized. I think it is the denatured proteins caused by the heating process which causes these bowels to want to flush it out as soon as possible and wont stop until it gets every bit of it out.
Much of the processed dairy in America also has an additive called carrageenan, which is a seaweed and has been banned in Europe because it has been proven to be a cancer causing agent. The FDA also banned it, but the manufactures still use it and just have to pay a fine for doing so. Isn’t that ridiculous? I have found that it true with many other additives, they just pay the fine because its cheaper than just making the food correctly. The carrageenan is added to thicken the dairy product, since they remove much of the fat for other products. There is also the problem of everyone drinking this 1% and 2% garbage, which isn’t good for you at all.
Anyway, my bowels always react violently to that carrageenan, something we know is bad for you. One of my readers called me the “mine canary” of the food world and I think she hit the nail on the head (for those who don’t know, miners used to keep a caged canary in the mines with them because the canary is far more sensitive to poisonous gases, so if they see the canary drop dead, they know to evacuate the mine.).
These transplanted bowels are like a more sensitive meter to what is bad for our gut. Many people would look at me and say well it’s too bad he can’t eat this or that, but I can still enjoy it, as though I am some alien or mutant. No, my bowel is just reacting more violently and because of adhesions and other scar tissue, I can feel them moving when you can’t. If I can’t digest it, it is probably doing damage to everyone’s gut and should be avoided. So much of our modern food is destructive to our intestines.
I need to write more articles to articulate many of the foods I have found difficult to digest. I know I have been absent a long time. Some of it has to do with the cancer, like the bone marrow transplant I had in August of 2017 and am still recovering, and I have also been involved in many other projects I want to complete before the cancer takes me.
My diet must be pretty good though, because the doctors didn’t think I’d last this long, but I continue to shock them and plan to be around a while longer, so hopefully I will get back to writing on the blog, as soon as I finish writing my book about the whole ordeal I had to survive. It will read like fiction, because I was there and I have a hard time believing a lot of it.
And for anyone who thinks y diet sucks because I have cancer, think again. The cancer was caused by medications used in the bowel transplant. Those drugs carry a high cancer risk and the doctors over used one of the worse on me because they suck at diagnosing anything via an endoscope. The drug killed 15% of my bone marrow at the time and when it grew back, it was cancerous. It is my diet that has kept me alive, because this cancer typically kills within 3 years of diagnosis and I am more than 5 years, which is really impressive when you consider that I take medications to weaken my immune system because of the transplant. That’s why the doctors thought I’d be eaten up with the cancer within a year. Cancer needs sugar to grow and I eat little sugar.
Thanks for writing. The only dairy I will consume is raw dairy. I have been doing it for more than 10 years. If the transplant surgeons knew, they’d throw a fit. Everyone thought the milk would kill me, since I have to take medications to lower my immune system. There were four other patients who had the same transplant at Jackson on 2010. I had made friends with all of them, and all of them have passed away since, leaving me the only survivor from that year, so I must be doing something right.
I had to have my gall bladder removed after a year on the RX weight loss medicine Meridia. I have regained all of the weight, which truly sucks, but each time I try to lose weight, I gravitate toward foods that are high in protein, but low in fat. Soy. Soy is what the diet industry pushes.
When I eat soy, the area where my gall bladder was hurts just like my gall bladder did before it was removed. I won’t let it pass my lips anymore, but it is hidden in so many foods. I didn’t know McDonalds fried in soy. Makes sense.
What is safe?
Also, splenda is a horrible chemical, which is in so many foods. It gives me migraines. It is also being pushed by the diet industry.
I would suggest watching the movie Fat Head, which shines a light on the theory of fat causing heart disease.
I’ve nearly dieted myself to death. I don’t know what is the right thing to eat. Has anyone ever died from chocolate? It might be the only safe food. God knows that beef isn’t safe, not the way they feed cows.
Hi Janet. The only reason the processed food industry, and really the agribusiness at large, push soy so hard is because it is an inedible plant that farmers have always had to grow. After the advent of crop rotation, soy became an important crop because it has the ability to replenish nitrogen back into the soil, whereas most other plants deplete nitrogen from the soil. So farmers always ended up with a ton of this plant that was known to be highly indigestible, flavorless and just not overall popular as a food source.
I really need to write an article about how common it is for industries to try to find markets for by-products that are seemingly useless. It happens in all industries, such as the way that the aluminum industry had a toxic by-product of manufacturing aluminum called sodium fluoride, but rather than have to pay high disposal cost to rid of a chemical the EPA lists as a toxic waste, they found a way to market to city governments as a water treatment supplement, claiming that it would help strengthen teeth – now they actually get paid for a waste product that used to be expensive to get rid of.
That’s one of thousands of products that once used to be a useless by-product which was ingeniously marketed as being healthy for humans. Skim milk was also a by-product of the cream market and used to just be fed to pigs, because no human could stand to consume it. After a lot of slick advertising, originally as a weight loss beverage and now with bogus claims of being “heart-healthy” has created a huge market of people that will gag it down because they’re convinced it is healthier for them and their family. (I could write volumes on why it is not healthy at all, but I won’t get into it here).
Soy follows a similar plot line. People have been gagging down tofu, because they believe that it has all kinds of health benefits, when in fact it is mostly indigestible (causes a lot of bloating and gas), loaded with phytoestrogens ,which mimic human estrogen, high in phytic acid (which binds to minerals and renders them unable to be absorbed), and is also loaded with trypsin inhibitors (which interfere with the assembly of certain proteins). No one knows why soy lipids destroys the human liver when infused to TPN patients, but every doctors knows that it will. When infused, it will completely destroy the average liver within 2 -3 years!
Because it is a by-product of agriculture and heavily government subsidized, the markets are overloaded with it, so the prices are driven down, making it a cheap filler in processed foods. Because of its high protein texture, it is often used to simulate meat texture and then flavoring is added. This is why you are having a difficult time avoiding it – it is in so many products.
I have some real issues with Spenda (sucralose). Not so much about what it does in the human body as much as the environment – it refuses to biodegrade, like all organochlorines. Have you read my post “Is Splenda Really Splendid?“. You can see all that I learned about sucralose in that article.
I have seen Fat Head and have had several pleasant email exchanges with Tom Naughton. He has refined his dietary advice since the movie, like he no longer eats grains, whereas in the movie he was eating the hamburger rolls. Naughton has started somewhat of a revolution with that film. So many people found the short clips he has on Youtube and were intrigued enough to rent or buy the movie. It’s a good mixture of science and comedy. Tom did a great job with it and has changed a lot of people views about saturated fat (a very necessary nutrient).
You are so right about the corporate beef industry. Cattle are not pastured, but confined in feedlots and not only fed grains (something not in their natural diet which causes them to get sick and need antibiotics to survive), they are now fed anything the ranchers can get cheaply. They add sawdust, shredded cardboard and even snack cakes and candies that are beyond their expiration date for humans. I have seen films of feedlot cattle being fed M&Ms, Heath Bars and all other expired products. You can see that there is a pattern or theme here, which is why I need to write a post about it. Because this is another way that a corporation (like candy companies) find ways to profit from products they would have otherwise dispose of.
I am lucky to live on enough acres to raise a small herd of cattle (5-6) and also raise chickens for eggs. All of my cattle are grass-fed (in Florida, grass is green nearly all year around), but they are fed silage in the few weeks of winter we have here. The Whole Foods here sells grass-fed beef. We get our dairy from a co-op and most of the other people in the co-op also order grass-fed beef through the co-op (I would also, if I didn’t have my own cows). You can also order grass-fed beef and other meats from animals that are free-ranged from U.S. Wellness. Their website can be found here.
I mostly eat just meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, some nuts and some fruit. I avoid grains, beans and legumes. I received a full intestinal transplant in 2010 (lost my intestines in a medical accident). I must be doing something right, because I am the only intestinal transplant patient from that hospital who has not had to return to the hospital in nearly 3 years.
All of the other recipients have had several bowel obstructions. I have not had any obstructions. I credit this to the fact that I do not eat a diet high in insoluble fiber, whereas the rest do. Even with transplanted bowels, I require no supplementation. I am required to get a full blood and nutrition work up monthly and have perfect numbers, something no other recipient that I met can boast.
If I can be so healthy, with a perfect prealbumin and hemoglobin count with transplanted bowels (which don’t work as efficiently as native bowels), I would think that a healthy person on a similar diet would thrive just fine. I believe that I am proving that a human does not need grains, beans or legumes to be healthy.
I have had no infections, in spite of the fact that I have to take medication to lower my immune system to stop my body from attacking the donor organs. I also have not had any remote signs of rejection.
Humans thrived for more than a two million years before they learned to process grains and other seed like beans, which are poisonous to humans if not processed. How in the hell has the agribusiness convinced everyone that we need these food to be healthy, when they weren’t part of the human diet for more than 99% of our existence? Great marketing and a lot of advertising I guess. The advertising has even influenced most doctors. Money talks.
We feed our cats “raw” (a vet recipe) but do add some “people tuna” from a can…BUT I SEE TUNA HAS SOY ADDED!?! WTF!!!
Hi Paula, yes sadly many brands of tuna supplement fish flavored soy as filler. My wife an I have found some brands that are still pure tuna, but at twice the cost of regular tuna. Read the label carefully and you will find some brands that will only include Tuna, Water and salt – NO SOY.
Many friends of mine have been shocked when I showed them the label of their tuna and they saw that there was soy added. I believe that the addition of soy should have to be posted largely on the front label.
Thanks for you observation and for writing here.
The very best Tuna is Callipo, made in Italy, 100 year old company.
Olive oil is used, only in Tuna in oil.
You can read about their processing here:
Tuna is frozen right after it caught, taken to processing plant, thawed under running water at room temperature. Quality control at every stage. Filling the jars and cans is manual, by hand(gloves of course).
This is the only tuna I buy. It is expensive, but worth every cent. Once a week it’s fine.
Sounds like a very good product. No doubt that today’s tuna is not worth eating. Thanks for the information.
I happened across this site by accident because someone on Facebook happened to mention it.
Best site I’ve read in a long time!
It’s my lucky day!
Thank you Jeanne for your kind words. I really need to get some new articles up, but things have been crazy the last couple of months. I hope to get some new articles up real soon. Thanks everyone for your patients.
> Where else in life is something that’s the least expensive also be the most desired?
vitamine C comes to mind… Egg yokes, oval meat, pork trotters, sheeps head, insect proteins?
for all else: I’m with you! soy, wheat and sugars are poison. Unfermented soy is also full of estrogens…
thanks for posting, I think your findings are spot on.
Thanks Anna, for your reply. You listed some animal products that you claimed were high in vitamin C, but did not list the more expensive option they are superior to (so I was a bit confused). I was not aware that these animal foods were a good source of vitamin C. Animal products are a great source of most vitamins (especially fat soluble vitamins, like A, D, E, K), but it was my understanding that vitamin C was not one of them. I believe that the Inuit people got most of their vitamin C from eating raw liver, because liver is the highest source of vitamin C in animal products and is destroyed by heat.
I usually think of raw fruits and bright, colorful peppers as the best source of vitamin C, but either way, both fruits, peppers, eggs and liver are far more expensive, pound for pound, than monocropped, government subsidized grains and legumes (grains and legumes are a very poor source of vitamin C, unless they are fortified). Right now, grains and legumes are probably the cheapest foods on the planet. This is because they are usually genetically modified, which gives a greater yield. Then these crops are subsidized by the federal government in order to entice farmers to grow them. If they were truly tastier and better for us, the government would not have to subsidize them to get the price point so low that people would be willing to shell out the extra money to get them – this is true with everything.
It’s sort of ironic, because grains and beans have historically been the food of poor people, yet poor people have rarely been known for their robust health. So, it’s been a massive brainwashing for the government to convince everyone that the healthiest foods are those that are typically consumed by the poorest people. The health of the impoverished was so bad (rickets, beriberi, scurvy, etc.), that the government ultimately had to mandate that flour and cereals be fortified or enriched with man-made vitamins to prevent the diseases that plagued the poorer masses that tried to live solely on them.
These seeds are low in nutrients and high in starches – so even though poorer people tend to be obese, they are malnourished, because beans and rice are mostly naked calories. Notice that eggs and meat do not have to be fortified, they are naturally high in nutrients.
How can a food be super-healthy if it has to be fortified? My point is, that the cheapest foods have never been the most desirable, only what the poorest people had to eat to barely stay alive. Now we’re told that these foods will give you the best health – which flies in the face of common sense. Notice how the government likes to use the word “common sense” attached to everything, but rarely practice it.
It takes a hell of a salesman to convince someone that a Yugo is a better car than a BMW, but this is what the government has accomplished with the “whole grains and soy” are healthier than steak and eggs.
I find it hard to fathom that anyone has any doubt that we are being purposely poisoned in both our food and information about food.
The FDA, etc. are not trying to do anything but make us disabled and weak (carbs are completely unnecessary in the human diet). I would really appreciate the rephrasing of all commentary to reflect that this is done on purpose and is all out warfare being perpetrated on very unsuspecting people.
As a retired RN who has administered many TPN and intralipid infusions, I am horrified. While these medications save lives, I had no idea of the long term effects. The fact that Omegaven is available in Europe but not to US adults, is unconscionable.
As a vegetarian (10 years) long ago, I “thought” I was eating the healthiest diet on Earth. LOTS of soy, and a fair amount of junk food to boot.
Thank you for sharing this information and the unimaginable hurdles you have overcome!