Mehmet Oz once said that butter is solid at room temperature, so it solidifies in your arteries. That’s funny, because butter melts to liquid in my hands. He is also the genius doctor who wrote in Time magazine that a low carb diet causes ketoacidosis. There is a big difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis, maybe Oz can read it here. He continues to hawk his high fiber diet as healthy for the intestines, in spite of the fact that he has had precancerous polyps removed from his own colon. Dr. Oz’s diploma must be written in crayon. Yet, Oz has finally been awarded an honor befitting his service – I am referring to the not-so-coveted Pigasus award. This makes Oz the first person to receive the award for two consecutive years. For those who don’t know, the Pigasus is an award given by world renown psychic investigator James Randi to any celebrity bozo advocating pseudoscientific or paranormal advice.
Oz received the award for using his syndicated television show for promoting faith healing, “energy medicine,” and other quack theories that have no scientific basis. Oz has given legitimacy to the claims of Brazilian faith healer “John of God,” who uses old carnival tricks to take money from the seriously ill. He’s hosted Ayurvedic guru Yogi Cameron on his show to promote nonsense “tongue examination” as a way of diagnosing health problems. In March 2011, Dr. Oz endorsed past Pigasus winner John Edward, who supposedly talks to dead people. Oz even suggested that bereaved families should visit psychic mediums to receive messages from their dead relatives as a form of grief counseling. A Dr. Oz medical clinic would look like a Coney Island side-show. How does anyone, other than his ringmaster, Oprah, take this buffoon serious?
Did Dr. Oz serve his surgical fellowship performing alien autopsies? Can he bend scalpels with the power of his mind? Even if John Edwards could actually speak to the dead, I’m sure that Oz wouldn’t want to hear what many of his dead patients would have to say to him. It’s really not surprising that Oz believes in all this hocus-pocus bullshit, because I always felt that his dietary advice was less believable than a Miss Cleo cold reading.
Is this just media sensationalism, or are there really doctors this ignorant? The largest misconception in medicine is the belief that doctors are scientists; Very few are. Doctors are more often simply practitioners, studying diagnosis of symptoms and treatment with drugs – researchers are the scientists with the biochemistry knowledge to create the drug, medical device or procedures. An analogy might be an automobile designer creates the car from the ground up, whereas the mechanic strictly diagnoses the problem and changes the faulty part. The doctor plays the role of the mechanic.
It is not just alternative medicine that has turned into a performing monkey for profits, but it has encroached into mainstream medicine as well. It’s getting harder and harder to find the blurred line between science and pseudoscience in modern medicine. James Randi, Mike Shermer, Brian Dunning and Penn Jillette like to brag in their ability to “spot the looney”, but I have found them to be just as “taken in” by some of these charlatans, just because they “belong to the right club”, so to say.
Shermer, Randi, Dunning and especially that know-it-all Jillette, claim to be true skeptics, but in the larger picture, they tend to resemble that of a pseudoskeptics, because their faith in a particular science is not always based on the default position of disbelief until proven to be true (as is mine), but is contingent on whether the author of the thesis has a particular degree or follows what is deemed as “peer-reviewed” or backed by government regulators or researchers. “Blind faith” is blind faith. Their position assumes that there is no influence of money, power or corruption in mainstream science or government, which is wishful thinking at best and every bit as blind in its ideology as those that they criticize. (I would love to cover this in more detail in a future post). I am the only true skeptic that I know of.
I have been more than shocked by some of the clueless utterings from some doctors I have encountered. For instance, my father had by-pass surgery about four years ago and has since been under the care of a cardiologist. This lipophobe is constantly badgering him to lower the saturated fat in his diet and focuses all his efforts on LDL levels. I explained to my father that the body synthesizes most of our cholesterol and saturated fat intake has little to do with it. His doctor replied that all cholesterol is acquired through diet and that vegetarians have NO cholesterol in their blood! What!? This doctor must have gotten his degree from the Ringling Brothers Clown College.
The real kicker had to be this chucklehead who somehow achieved the rank of executive medical director at a hospital I had the misfortune of ending up at. I had been rushed there for a blood sepsis from a medi-port line infection and was heavily treated with antibiotics. After a week-long bombardment of anti-bacterial agents, my sister inquired whether the doctors would use a prophylactic anti-fungal treatment? Even she was knowledgeable enough to realize that yeast would proliferate after such an aggressive antibiotic session. This doctor confidently stated that, “men do not get yeast infections – only women do”! This is no joke people! An M.D. actually said this! A week later I came down with a systemic candida infection that nearly killed me. Close to 45% of people who develop a systemic yeast infection die [source] (and closer to a 90% mortality rate among patients on TPN, as I was) and it could have been prevented if this moron hadn’t skipped school on the day they taught that yeast can breed in places other than vaginas.
Fortunately there are knowledgeable doctors, but never assume that everyone with an M.D. after their name has a superior knowledge of human biology or science. And certainly never trust a doctor dishing out advice from your television. Dr. Oz has earned his two Pigasus awards and the smart money is on him to win a third one. Frank Lloyd Wright once said, “A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.”.
Just wanted to let you know, I have read through your site religiously. You’re not the only skeptic out there. The first hand information you give is invaluable.
People like you give me the courage to advise friends and family against the medical community’s consensus.
Thank you.
Hi Kyle, It makes me happy to know that there are many people who have become suspicious of many modern practices and approach them with caution and research. The numbers seem to be growing each day, which means there is hope for future generations.
Though doctors can save lives and relieve suffering, it is important for the patient to be actively involved and willing to confront the doctor and question any medication or procedure they may suggest. Blindly following along with everything the doctor wish to do on you can lead to some serious repercussions. They are not right all the time – if this were true, then they would all be in agreement with each other’s treatment – and that is far from reality. No two doctors ever agree, so you must be the deciding vote and that should be based on much of your own research.
I’ve left other comments on your blog when I first found you, but I just wanted you to know that I have been telling my family and friends about your experience and your warnings over the last few months. The timing was perfect in that my uncles, who are all in their 70s, were about to do the procedure. They are still going through with the procedure, but at least with eyes open rather than eyes wide shut. In this life you can’t ask for much more than that. I myself will not ever have the procedure done unless there is strong suspicion of cancer or other problems, i.e., I will not be doing “routine” screening; thanks mostly to your ringing the alarm bell and getting me to do something priceless: think!
Hi Derek. It is difficult to get most people to realize the dangers. The doctor have a way of scaring them into believing that they are at risk for colon cancer and certainly have them convinced that a colonoscopy can somehow prevent this. If colonoscopies were truly effective at detecting cancer early, we would expect to see a 40 to 50% drop in colorectal cancer deaths – we have not.
I hope that your uncles remain safe. Most of the people who have written me about the death of loved ones due to colonoscopies, were usually talking about parents and other who were over 70 years old when injured. I was 48 years old when injured. Even the doctors had told my wife and I that I probably would not have survived such an injury had I been over 70. This does seem to be the case, according to the letters I have received. The older patients who were perforated did not survive.
I am glad that you have done the research and see what a scam this entire procedure is. There has never been one shred of evidence that they have ever saved one life from cancer, but plenty of facts that they have taken lives. Injuries to the intestines have a very high mortality rate. I will never undergo a colonoscopy again, unless there were clear symptoms of a serious problem. All of the other intestinal transplant recipients have regular scopes (about every 6 months) and the doctors used to pressure me to do so.
I always refuse to sign the legal waiver. I tell them that if the procedure is so safe, then you would be willing to take a chance on being sued and do the procedure without the waiver. Funny how they want us to risk our lives on something that they are unwilling to risk their money on. The fact they none of them have taken me up on the offer and did the procedure without the protection of the waiver proves to me that they know how many people are injured by colonoscopies and are not willing to take the risk of a lawsuit. This is the best way to get out of a colonoscopy.
How funny and true. I was a vegetarian for 3 months (only to lose weight)before my colon collapsed from too much fiber. After the first surgery and colostomy bag, I mentioned it to my doctor. He said you have to eat more fiber; I said I had been a vegetarian for 3 months, and ate nothing BUT fiber. He said: You have to do more. Alarm bells went off in my head, literally.
When I got home and 3 months before the second surgery to get “repiped,” I found the site FiberMenace. I wish I had found it sooner, I could have avoide the hospital altogether.
I eat no fiber now and “go” just fine, thank you.
This true in today’s medicine. No matter how much dammage is done due to massive fiber intake, the doctors will always claim that more fiber will fix the problem. Then to make it worse, they recemmended more insoluble fiber found in grains and cerals. Humans tend to do better with the soluble fibers found in fruits and vegetable, than the dry stuff found in grains.
Insoluble fibers take on water (absorb it) and swell to many times its original size. This can cause stretching of the bowel lining and even result in formation of pockets in the side walls of the intetstines (diverticulitis). These pockets can become infected and cause great pain. The only cure for diverticulitis is to have the pouch surgically resected from the bowel.
Humans never evolved to eat insoluble fiber. Ruminant animals have bacteria and protazoa starting in their stomach to help break down these fibers, yet even those animals die from bloat. The tremenous amount of gas given off as a by-product of the fibers broken down in the cow’s stomach can cause them pain, so they tend to avoid it. It is not easy to get a cow to eat the husks of the grain – they prefer not to and so should we. (I have raised cows for years and still do).
You will do better with insoluble fibers whe a dietary fiber are needed (humans do not need fiber all the time). I have found that an occasional date or banana work very fine. Fiber Menace is a very good book,(I love the cover; a cereal bowl full of screws), but most people will dismiss it base on the massive advertising campain to push more and more fiber as the superhealth food – claims have been made that this simple indigestible cellulose (tree bark in essence) can help one lose weigh (I’ve never see it work for anyone), lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease and stroke. Yet with all the people we see eating Cheerios, we haven’t seen a drop in heart disease.
Insoluble fiber from grains is a by-product of the grain and cereal industry which they couldn’t find a market for. It ruins the flavor and texture of all food it is added to and even livestock turn their noses up at it. The brilliant suits on Madison Avenue figured that if they could convince people it was healthy and could prevent disease, the stupid american public would buy it up ad gag it down – and that’s what happened.
Brilliantly stated, as usual. I’ve learned to be suspecious of anything the MSM pushes relentlessly.
Sometimes I feel that this fiber pushing without letup, exhausts the viewer to such an extent they give up and “obey.”
Who was it that said if you tell a lie that’s big enough, often enough, people will “swallow” it?? This is certainly true about fiber. I gave the FiberMenance book to a guy at work but he read a couple of pages and decided it was nonsense. Unfortunately, he’ll probly pay for that down the road.
The weaker, sicker, broker, frightened and more confused we are, the easier we can be controlled.